Here are a few scenes from the New England Old English Sheepdog Rescue's 1998 Picnic.

 I'm not the best photographer but you might enjoy them all the same.

The Blessing of the Sheepdogs.

The crowd eagerly awaits the beginning of the Sheepdog parade.

Bailley chose the best seat in the grandstand and needed it to see this tiny pup.

Janet and Abigail Annie who promised they wouldn't make us cry this year and failed miserably.

Fred P. and Bailley enjoy the parade.

Myra watches the parade waiting patiently for her turn.

"Hurry, Mom! It's time for us to join the parade.

Myra & Mom looking very happy.

The rains and we all hid in the tent.

Chelsea gets her rescue ribbon. Who forgot the flash?

The rains came and drove some Sheepies upon the tables while others hid under the tables.

This beauty looks cool calm and colletive but you could see a bit of a shake when the thunder and lightning began.