North Hunterdon Grade School Cheerleaders

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1997-1998 Grade School Team Schedule
High School Cheerleaders

The Grade School Cheerleaders can be seen performing at all the North Hunterdon Grade School Wrestling Team Matches. These young women put in many hours of service in preparing for these events, and support the wrestling club with volunteer hours during many events.

Coaches: Diana Stagg and Patti Kaptain
Assistant Coach: Dana Miller
Junior Coaches: Pam Jeffry and Julie Pfuelb
Team Mom: Diane DeRosa

NHWC Cheerleader Squad

Courtney Powers(Mascot) Joanna Allgood
Rachel Boyle Caitlin Burke
Taryn Burns Carla Catanzaretti
Holly Cedro Christin Cosgrove
Nicole DeRosa Mary Finer
Ashley Finnigan Shannon Halbach
Theresa Hoffman Julie Landgraf
Meagan Maguire Nina Pellechio
Heather Platt Cara Ponticelli
Jillian Sanderson Jaclyn Sisbarro
Lauren Stagg Kate Storks
Sash Van Sickle Nicole Wowchuck

Come and see them along with the wrestlers; they deserve our support. They will be at the Grade School Matches

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