The Golden Pair: Azusa Shiratori
The Golden Pair: Azusa Shiratori

Azusa Shiratori
"catalpa tree, white bird" (in Japanese)

Hair: Light brown
Eyes: Aqua
Description: Petite and adorably pretty. Always dressed in pink dresses full of ruffles, bows, flowers, etc.
Personality: Just plain *weird*. Read on...

Special Attacks:
Alouette, je te plumarai - Okay, that's not what it's called, but I think it's appropriate (IMHO ^_^). Basically, Azusa will forcably take anything that she finds cute, and give it a name (usually French).
Marianne - Azusa's little mallet. If Azusa is not able to take a cute object by force, she will hit it (or its owner) with this little mallet. But if the mallet is not at hand, practically any blunt object will do (especially is it's large and unwieldy ^_~). Unfortunately, her skating partner Mikado seems to bear the brunt of her attacks.
Dance of the Snowbird - Done on the ice, Azusa twirls around on one foot, sending up a cloud of snow that blocks the opponents' view. Although Azusa claims this is her version of the "Goodbye Whirl", it looks a lot more like Mikado's "Dance of Death". However, it has the same effect as the "Goodbye Whirl", as it can cause the opponent to accidently hit their partner.

To learn a little more about Azusa Shiratori, click here.

Top 10 Warning Signs that you're turning into Azusa Shiratori:

10. You scream "Kawaii!" whenever you see something cute
9. You wear lots of pink
8. The word "gimme" becomes a large part of your vocabulary
7. You have an extensive knowledge of French names
6. You're inexplicably able to lift oversized objects to hit people over the head with
5. You doodle on people with felt-tip markers
4. You compulsively clip little collars or pink bows on things
3. You bid good night to the inanimate objects in your room
2. You have a tall, handsome playboy as your skating partner [Ed. note: I wish!]
1. Your moral standards deteriorate (i.e. stealing stuff is okay as long as it's cute)

To see a list of all the objects Azusa has named, click here. ^_^



Holding her Charlotte
In her usual pink dress (pasted together)

(From Laura-chan's Image Gallery)

(From the Ranma 1/2 Anime Preview Gallery)
Skating, with roses in the background
With "Marianne's" bigger brother...

(From Becky's Anime Screen Captures)
Azusa falling on Ranma
Azusa hugging Ranma

(From Smapy's Original Screenshots)
Clasping her hands together
The infamous bedtime scene

Looking hurt

(From Nanobox)
Looking down (pasted together)

Holding up a marker

(From All About Ranma 1/2)
With her arms outstretched



(From Yoiko's Ranma 1/2 Sound Shrine)
wornout.wav (45Kb) - "Ooooh! Little Azusa is all worn out!"

(From Ranma 1/2 Sounds/Wavs)
doodle.wav (143Kb)
Azusa: Let's doodle on him! (Opens a marker.) Doodly-doo, doodly-doo-da-doo-da... (giggles)

Click here to check out Azusa's *other* skating partner! ^_~


KiSS doll
What is a KiSS doll, you ask? It's described as a "paper doll for your computer". Trust me, though, it's fun to try! ^_^ However, in order to use a KiSS doll, you need a viewer; download one by clicking here.

Azusa Shiratori - A KiSS doll of Azusa Shiratori (an excellent one, BTW).
Expansion set - This set requires the aforementioned doll, but it's well worth it. ^_~

[Ed. note: You can no longer download KiSS dolls off Otakuworld without a subscription... However, you should still be able to download the doll off the artist's webpage, found here (check under KiSS Dolls).]

Related Links:

Azusa's Li'l Shrine - It's Jeannette, the kawaii little shrine to Azusa Shiratori!
Home of the Goddess of Kawaii - This page contains a description of "Darling Charlotte" from Azusa's point of view.
Aquisitive Azusa - A teeny-weeny shrine dedicated to Azusa. ^_^

"Oh look, it's Charlotte! She's soooooo cute! Gimme! Gimme! GIMME!!"

Er, perhaps now is a good time to go...

"Come on! Let's go visit San-chan!"

Back to the Golden Pair Page

Ranma 1/2 characters were created by Rumiko Takahashi and are used without permission. Ranma 1/2 icons are by Lar DeSousa and are used with permission. :-) P-chan animated gif was created by Wendy Lee and is sort of being used with permission... ;-) The manga images were scanned by myself, but the anime images were taken from the following websites: Laura-chan's Image Gallery, The Ranma 1/2 Anime Preview Gallery*, Becky's Anime Screen Captures*, Smapy's Original Screenshots, Nanobox, and All About Ranma 1/2*. The .wavs were taken from Yoiko's Ranma 1/2 Sound Shrine* and Ranma 1/2 Sounds/Wavs*. Please ask permission before downloading anything from this webpage. (* Starred links are down)