
Functional Neurological Assessment - Dynamic Posturography

7 times
Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP), also known as Moving Platform Posturography (MVP) has been for me the most interesting part of testing thus far.  We undergo this routine twice before bed rest, and five times afterward, for balance control measurement.

We are each fastened into a parachute-like harness, then step on a moveable forceplate connected to sensitive detectors (force and movement transducers), which are able to detect tiny oscillations of the body.  Motion sensors are placed on different body regions, including an adjustable headband to record head and body movements.  We also have three electrodes placed on the upper chest and side to monitor heart rate throughout the test.

Marcus preparing for Posturography

Sometimes we merely stand still with eyes open or closed, and the walls might sway for "visual surround motion."  In others we have to make purposeful head movements, and in still others the forceplate shifts in different directions or tilts upward with a snap.  We have to retain balance through all these variations, and as we make small counter-movements, they transmit to a computer used to command electric motors which can move the forceplate in the horizontal directions (translation) as well as to incline (rotations). Thus, sequences of standardized motions "desequilibrates" posture in an orderly and reproducible way.  Special software integrates all this and produces reports which can then be compared with normal ranges. has a useful article [with diagrams] of the three main tests:
  • Sensory Organization Test (SOT)
  • Motor Control Test (MCT)
  • Adaptation Test (ADT)

Another interesting description, including common disorders and sample output such as strategy analysis and equilibrium score can be seen in this article on