Zero fighter

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Zero fighter World

Zero fighter (Mitsubishi type zero carrier fighter ...Zeke) was produced by Mitsubishi and Nakashima from 1940 to 1945. Then, more than 10,000 was produced. Zero was the good rival of the Allied forces veterans in the Pacific Ocean.
I want to respect these splendid veterans in my home page.

This homepage is only partly English. Please wait for a while because it will become English soon completely

Zero fighter in Japan Naval Aviation History Museum/Kanoya /Kagoshima August 18, 1998

 Old Japan Empire military aircraft hanger

[ Hanger ] New work of January : This was the condition of a Zero in Atlanta in 1989. It has been sold and I do not know where it is. Any information would be wonderful. Ken Arnold

 Zero figfter in Kanoya /KagoshimaEnglish
Zero fighter in Ryugasaki/Ibaragi 1995 English
   Zero fighter in Ryugasaki part 2 English
  Zero fighter in Yao /Osaka 1979 Japanese
 Zero fighter in Science museum/Tokyo Japanese
 Zero fighter for the movie Japanese
    Hanger English & Japanese
     Link English & Japanese
 Bulletin board Japanese
 Location List English 

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MAIL TO astroboy "Saiwm" from Osaka Japan 
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