Welcome to the offical Ness United Under 11's site!


This site is all about Ness United's Under 11's squad. Ness United's Under 11's play in Shetland and we play teams from all over Shetland. I must remind you that all of the information on this site will be correct at time of last update and if I do get things wrong I will post it on the site in the next update. If you go to the bottom of the page you will see a map of Shetland with the teams marked on.





The game against Whitedale was cancelled as was the Cup that was due to be played on Saturday.


Match Reports

5 September 1999
Ness Utd A vs Lerwick Spurs A
Final Score 3-3

It was an even game with neither team having more than a goal advantage.
Spurs took the lead then Ness got a goal back with Erik Peterson who got the ball in the net after a corner and a goalmouth scramble. Ness then took lead with a lovely goal from Ross Adamson. It was a cross between a shot and a cross but then it looped into the net. Spurs got a goal back but then David Thompson slotted home a goal after a lot of missed chances. But Ness were not to win as Spurs some how managed to equal the scores and get a draw.

The B game was a little different as it was mostly Ness putting on the pressure. Cameron Smith scored first just before half-time, then not long after the restart Alwyn Flaws scored. In the middle of the second half Cameron Smith was substiuted for Liam Adamson who had played in goals for the first game. The at the end Spurs again came back from the dead and scred two to again get a draw.

The Ness A Team was Liam Adamson, Andrew Adamson, Lyle Halcrow, Ross Adamson, Ryan Garrick, Martin Henderson, Erik Peterson and David Thompson.

For Brae results click here



There is a game planned against Spurs and there is a game planned against Whitedale. Weather permitting we will play Spurs on Saturday the 4 of September at 10:30 am, We will play Whitedale on Wednesday the 8th of September too.



We train once a week, indoors in the winter and outside in the summer.



Squad Information
    Name                   Position            Apps         Gls
Liam Adamson             Goalkeeper            1            --
Robert Burgess           Goalkeeper            0            --
Matthew Wishart          Defender              0             0
Andrew Adamson           Defender              1             0
Lyle Halcrow             Defender              1             0
Robert Leask             Defender              0             0
John-Robert Burgess      Defender              0             0
Rhuairdh Burgess         Defender              0             0
Steven Harris            Midfielder            0             0
Ross Adamson             Midfielder            1             1
Martin Henderson         Midfielder            1             0
Erik Peterson            Midfielder            1             1
Matthew Munro            Midfielder            0             0
Ryan Garrick             Midfielder            1             0
John Dunnet              Midfielder            0             0
Colin Halcrow            Midfielder            0             0
Cameron Smith            Striker               0             0
Sean Grogan              Striker               0             0
Alwyn Flaws              Striker               0             0
David Thompson           Striker               1             1

This is the full Ness Utd under 11's squad. We are soon going to play games so there will be more information here after we play them.

Our coaches are George Smith and Davie White


Comments and Suggestions

You can e-mail me at nessunited@yahoo.com.au with your comments and suggestions.



We would be delighted if any teams would like to come up and play us. There are mini-cruises from Aberdeen to Shetland with P&O Ferries. Details can be found on their web site. The last team that came up were from Inverurie and they played most of the teams in Shetland and were unbeaten.To find out more about Sandwick click below on the link

To find out more about the mini-cruises visit P& O ferries here

Click here to find out about Sandwick



Shetland is a beautiful island with Scottish and Norweigan links. The island is home to many speicies of wildlife. There is a lot of traditional music here in Shetland, mainly for the fiddle. This year Lerwick is part of the Tall Ships Race and there will be big party's on the few days they are here. Click on the link below the picture to see more about Shetland.




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Created by Cameron Smith ©1999
Last updated: 31/8/99