COMING SOON ... Min's Tianjin Worlds Diary!!!

Greetings Visitor! I have come back from the
33rd World Gymnastics Championships
at Lausanne Switzerland and am in gymnastics heaven!
I am going to dedicate this page to my memories of the wonderful 8 days I spent in the Centre Sportif de Malley.

I especially want to thank Svetlana Kuznetsova and her girls of the Uzbekistan Women's Team. Congratulations to Anastasia Dzyundzyak, Svetlana Bakhridinova, Saida Boboeva, Botagos Boyatanova and Aleksandra Gordeeva. Thank you for making the Lausanne experience extra special.

The deed is done! After agonising months, I have finally got my act together and here are the highlights of Min's 9 dizzy days of adventure at the 1997 Lausanne Worlds:

Day Zero

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

Day Six

Day Seven

Day Eight

Do amuse yourself with a bit of gym history as well as my adventures with the gymnasts of Team Uzbekistan at

Min's Adventures in Gymnastics La-La Land and a Tribute to DANIELA SILIVAS

You can email me at Min the Molecule

This wee page came into being on the 14th of September, 1997.

© 1998 A Min & Fresco Co-Production

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