Dan and Sabine were married June 12, 1999
Dan Dances with Amanda and Harvey trips the light fantastic with Nancy!
Harvey takes Agi (left) then Lisa (Above) He never stopped!
Dan dances with sister Deb (Left). Rich Storm catches the garter (Above).
Dan's Mom (Above) with his new inlaws in the background. Michelle and Nick walk down the aisle. (Right)
These are all of my kids(Left) My mom is with her grandson Dan and his new bride.(Right)
Dan's cousin Jay and his family (Left) and Michelle takes a book break in the church library. (Right)
Thor (Left) dances with Tom's wife while Tom visits with my daughter Kathie.
Frankie and Nick dance to a slow song, (Left) and I try to spell YMCA. (Above)
(Above Left) Mike and Chad listen to some advice from a crafty veteran. (Right) The King dances with his guest from Oregon.
Nick is a little nervous about walking down the aisle, so Michelle gives him some words of encouragement.
You can see more wedding photos and videos at: www.lopatka.com
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