Hgeocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/7836/garvin10.htmlgeocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/7836/garvin10.htmldelayedxފJB|OKtext/html jb.HThu, 10 Dec 1998 05:02:02 GMTFeMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *ފJ Terrance M. Garvin
Terrance M. Garvin
KID NITRO: Terrance M. Garvin is one of the most damned annoying wrestlers I have ever seen.  He's got talent though, and my only real problem with him is that he used to be an ally of that punk Shawn Michaels in the AGW.  But it doesn't take long for him to get under someones skin, which is what he does best.  He's a tough guy though, and he dropped by for the ten questions.

1. What is your most memorable moment in your career?

That would have to be the time I was in the FML which was a part of the IWA (play by mail league) in 1991 when I won the Bronze Divisional Title which basically meant I was the best wrestler out of the 8 leagues in that division, it also entitled me to a IWA World Heavyweight Title shot.

2. Who is your greatest enemy/rival of all time?

Boy that's an easy one, ol' Elias Vane. No one got under my skin quite like Elias. Hard to believe I actually teamed with him in the AWA. He made our feud personal, and that was over the line.

3. Who is your greatest ally of all time?

Hmm, things that make you go hmm. That would have to be Shawn Micheals. Funny guy that Micheals. I think the highlight of my AGW career was when me, Shawn, and the 'fake' Quackman won the 3-man titles. But Shawn sure got me in alot of hot water also.

4. Which Title that you have won means the most to you and why?

Probably the AWA Cruiserweight Title. I had returned to wrestling after a 5 year lay-off, and that was my first title back. I held it longer than anyone, 2 months. I might still have it if the AWA hadn't of closed, LOL.

5. What is the greatest match you have ever been involved in?

Now that's a toughie, let's see. I'll have to go with the time I beat Frank Snow for the first time. Frank 'Leatherman' Snow was an IWA legend, probably the greatest wrestler ever in the IWA. I faced him for the first time in my second month wrestling and beat him for the FML Eastern Regional title. That was sweet.

6. If you could change one thing that has happened in your life, what would it be?

Now that's an easy one. If I had it to do over, I wouldn't of been such a sh*thead in the AGW. Hanging around with the likes of Alex DiGiacomo and Shawn Micheals went to my head. All I wanted to do was be like them, why? Beats me, but I sure as hell pissed off alot of people, mainly Speed Racer. You live and learn.

7. Who is your favorite wrestler to watch wrestle?

Well, my all-time favorite would be Jimmy. He wrestled in the AWA. He was an escaped mental patient who was supposed to of killed a doctor. He did things in the ring I never saw before. I had a couple of ladder matches with him and I darn near killed him one time. Also I would say Quackman. He was small, but man he was pretty good, and that Face Bite was something else.

8. Who was the biggest influence on you as a wrestler growing up?

I will definetly have to say 'Gorgeous' Jimmy Garvin. I got his look, his last name, and some say his big mouth. Also I would say Jerry Lawler, Ric Flair, Randy Savage, and the 'late' Eddie Gilbert. I've always idolized the 'bad guys'.

9. If you could pick anywhere in the world to wrestle in, where would it be and why?

I would love to wresle in SCORES, you know, the strip joint. It's one of my favorite hangouts, and to wrestle there would kick ass!

10. If Hollywood were to make a movie based on your life, who would play you?

Hmm, I don't really care for most actors of today, but if I had to pick one I'd say have Jim Carrey grow a beard and grow his hair long, and bingo bango, there ya go.