Hgeocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/7836/moments.htmlgeocities.com/Colosseum/Midfield/7836/moments.htmldelayedxJn` OKtext/html j` b.HThu, 19 Nov 1998 06:31:47 GMTReMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *J` Great Moments in Kid Nitro/Inner Circle History
Great Moments in Kid Nitro/Inner Circle History
Kid Nitro: Well, the other day I was going through my video collections of my career highlights, and I thought it would be fun to put some of them up on the homepage.  I know it's not all of them, but some of you might like to watch some old times, while others may be wincing as they watch these.:)  Enjoy!

The Formation of the ORIGINAL Doom Patrol- Here it is, the very beginning of one of the best stables ever, the original Doom Patrol.

The Birth of the Bridge Match- Here is the jump that set up the first ever "Bridge Match."

The Bridge Match- The first ever Bridge Match, including all interviews surrounding it.

The Death of Kid Nitro- This is the interview that was taped showing the "Death" of Kid Nitro.  We all know better now though, don't we?

The Second Bridge Match- The second Bridge Match in history was also a great one.  This one had much more people involved, not to mention a few friends I had to come in and help.