Swim faster you dolt!

Well, it looks like a fast break.  It must be a counter attack, because the shot clock has 29 seconds on it.  In waterpolo, you get 35 seconds to score, and there must have just been a turnover.  I bet you anything that the girl with the ball didn't shoot, her defender probably got ejected (sent to the corner for 20 seconds for being bad, but you only get three of them before you are kicked out of the match) and then we were probably faced with a 6 on 5 situation. I've been ejected about 4 times, which is pretty funny cause goalies don't usually get ejected.  I also almost got kicked out of a match one time for talking back to the ref or telling him to get eye glasses or somthing of the such, but he just gave me a "warning" and bad calls for the rest of the match.