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Malaysia Boleh !

The Unofficial Home Page for Malaysia Badminton Team
Netword : Malaysia Badminton
All England : Singles Fell, Doubles Moved On

Our hopes for the men's single crown at All England vanished when the three representatives in the event : Rashid, Roslin and Choon Hann were eliminated in yesterday match.

Rashid was injured in his second round game againts England Peter Knowles. He torn his muscle. Choon Hann was beaten by Indonesian Budi Santoso, and Roslin fell under the mightly racket of Paul Erik Hoyer-Larsen.

Our doubles are doing fine. Wan Wah and Chun Eng pulled an upset by beating second seed Limpele and Eng Hian from Indonesia. They are now in the last eight. Also in the last eight are Chong Ming-Jeremy, and Soon Kit-Tan Fook.

Let's hope one of them bring back the All-England crown !

All England : Ewe Hock and Hock Kin Pulled Out

Some bad news for all Malaysian badminton fans. We won't be seeing Ewe Hock and Hock Kin in action in All England :( :(

Ewe Hock was bitten by mosquito in Brunei during World Grand Prix Finals (WGPF). The bite caused Ewe Hock leg to swollen, and forced him to pull out of the WGPF semi-final. He has not fully recover yet. Stupid mosquito !

Another WGPF semi-finalist, Hock Kin is facing another kind of problem. His family pig farm business have been deeply affected by the spread of Japanese Encephalitis (JE) disease. He decided to spend sometime with his family. Let's pray and hope that Hock Kin's family, and all other pig farmers, survive this outbreak and stay healthy..

We can only hope for some good action from Rashid, Roslin and Choon Hann.

Sun Jun, the WGPF champion and Peter Rasmussen, also pulled out from All England.

Tournaments and Reports

12 - 17 Jan 99 Korea Open
19 - 24 Jan 99 Taipei Open
24 - 28 Feb 99 World Gran Prix Final
3 - 7 Mar 99 Sweden Open
9 - 14 Mar 99 All England

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Latest world ranking 11-3-98

Men's Single

7 Hock Kin -3
8 Ewe Hock -2
9 Rashid +1
16 Roslin -3
17 Choon Hann -3

Men's Doubles

8 Soon Kit-Tan Fook -2
14 Rosman-Kim Her -1
15 Jeremy-Chong Meng +2
16 Soon Teo-Cheh Chang -1
46 Tan Fook-Wan Wah-2

Past ShuttlePoll :
  • Should Cheah Soon Kit continue playing or become a coach ?

  • 66% play 34% coach
  • Is Nusa Mahsuri contributing to Malaysia's badminton ?

  • 63% yes 37% no
  • Is Morten Frost doing a good job ? 

  • 88% yes 5% no 7% so-so
  • Is Rashid's Career over ? 

  • 96% yes 4% no
  • Should Roslin play in single event during Asian Game ? 

  • 66% yes 34% no
Take the ShuttlePoll

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