[ welcome.txt ]

Welcome to the Computer Security website!

1.  During your visit to this website, it is recommended that you operate your computer
with administrator privileges in order to benefit from all the available resources and malware scans.

2.  Please explore and make extensive use of the "Internet Hotlist," "Compuscans," "Help," and "Fun" sections.
"Optimize" and "Resources" are also available for more tweaks and information.  The "CD-ROM Hotlist" can be viewed,
but is largely unavailable.  Some CD-ROM publications and notes are linked online, however, and may be referenced
if desired.

3.  When off this website and its links, it is recommended that you cease using administrator privilege accounts
and that you run with restricted user privileges.  This is to minimize the impact of any viruses or malware that
you may be exposed to online--they will be restricted by your current operating privileges.  Remember that no antimalware
or antivirus solution in existence can guard against all the threats out there, partly because of propietary
updating methods for individual products and mostly because new malware and viruses are created every day.

4.  Your questions, comments, error reports, suggestions etc. are welcome at the email address compusec000@gmail.com.
If you find the website useful, please describe what you are using and how it is helping you.


    Source: geocities.com/compusec000/help

               ( geocities.com/compusec000)