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Party starts Friday evening 4th March 2005 and rages till lunch time Sunday 6th March 2005


BALLINA RSL - Fri 4th to Sun 6th March 2005

Rotary International  100 year celebration  !!!

"Time to BEACH Party" - District 9630 Conference

'What Happening?' (program details)

Registration for 'Beach Party' Conference

Links to 'Digs' (accommodation)

'The dudes who make it happen' (sponsors page - please support)

Maps and things around Ballina

'The Happening Place' (Ballina RSL web page)

'Junk to put in your club Rag' (promotional material for club buliteens)

The 100 year Anniversary of Rotary is actually the 23rd February 2005. So we timed the District Conference as close as practical to that celebration date.