My name is Verla Erdahl.
I live in Forney, Texas. I met Brenda at the Texas Back Institute where we were both undergoing therapy for injuries. At that time we started chatting and she told me some of the things that were happening to her in Royse City. I really did not know what to think. I have worked in the legal field as a legal secretary for almost 20 years. We completed our therapy and went our separate ways until I got a call one night from Brenda stating that they were trying to take her child "Chip" away from her. I could not believe that this was really happening because I observed Brenda and Chip together and I thought the relationship a very healthy one.

She asked me for assistance and so I got involved in the case.I have never in my life witnessed such a cesspool of lies, deceit and malicious destruction on the part of the welfare department and the Royse City officials.

I went to many of the meetings with Brenda, her ex-husband and Chip. These meetings were a sham with everyone knowing what they were going to do before they sat down. Brenda was treated as a criminal with no rights. They tried to take her very sick child under the pretense that Brenda was in fact making the child sick to get attention. I went to the psychiatrist's office with Brenda and they would not even give her copies of her own records.

I went to the sheriff's office to get an offense report with her and the officer on duty-- I can't remember his name but I could identify him--unsnapped his pistol and put his hand on the gun and took a step towards us and told us if we want a report to get a lawyer and subpoena to get it. Very menacing! I am sure that they ran my license plates and found out that my husband is an attorney or they would have pulled me over.

I was at Brenda's house and the police kept driving around her block. At one point, they threw Brenda out of her house and she had to stay with me and other friends. They said if she did not move out then they would put Chip in foster care. They gave the house and Chip to his father, who really did not want to keep Chip. He told me many times that Brenda needed to care for Chip because she had taken care of him since birth.

They took all of the medication away from Chip and said he did not need it, that the only reason he had it was for Brenda to have for herself. I was at the meetings where these decisions were made. I knew Brenda was being railroaded but they had the judge in their pocket, so to speak.

I know I will remember much more if I could just get together with Rhonda and Brenda for lunch because we all were afraid for ourselves and I am amazed that they have not killed Brenda yet.

Royce City is like a Mafia and I think there was a Texas Ranger involved in this at that time I was and he also was afraid for Brenda. At this time, I can't remember any more but I know there was much more that went on. I think the city was trying to run Brenda out of their city and the welfare officials all went to lunch with the judge after the court's sessions.

I know I will probably never in my life experience the things that went on when I was helping Brenda. My husband was afraid that they would make an excuse to pull me over and end up killing me so he told me I could not help Brenda anymore.

If you need anything further from me, let me know. Verla Erdahl (972)564-5229.
