Welcome Fellow Genealogists...

The purpose of this page and my research is not only to trace my family back as far as possible but also to link as many families as I can to my own in hopes it may help others to trace their roots.

SURNAMES :  Currently Being Updated

My Direct Descendant and Ancestor Charts



St. Catharines Register of Births:  PARNHAM surname only.
My Direct Lines Surnames & Their Alternate Spellings



Dedications & Thanks

This page is dedicated to my late great auntie Fran. Without her passion for the family history you wouldn't see the information presented on this site. Special mention goes to my nanna and my mom who offered extra support. Last but not least special thanks goes to those who through the internet have helped me dig even deeper than I could have imagined. Thanks, B.Dawes, M. Schnieder, E. Weichel, P. Ruckle, E. Lovrics, H. Moorcroft, and so many others.

A quick list of Surnames: Canniff, Wager, Miller, Lovrics, Parnham, Sorby, Lobe, Laki, Moczni, Rockel, Ruckle, Parliament, Garnier, Doublet, Embury, Carver, De Lange, De Long, Weiser, ...

From England, Germany, Hungary, The Netherlands and Scotland to Canada, The United States and Australia.

We were Palatinates, UELs, Butchers and Farmers. We left our countries for a better life or even in some case love. By learning to love our black sheep of the past we can learn to better love ourselves.


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