Old AGS Guestbook

Here are the messages left by previous visitors to Annie's Grandsons home page.
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GAil - 02/22/00 02:15:07
My Email:novak3402@juno.com
These guys are the best...David and Gary. They helped create a birthday website for my Dad. take a look Click Here!. Thanks guys. What a great family!!!!

Honey - 02/17/00 20:14:10
My Email:rgovern@ampinet.net
Have known Dorothy & Frank Novak for years Dort and I lived next door to one another on 55th. We grew up together. We have keep in touch through the years and hope Dort can start sending e-mails so our letters are not so far apart. Honey

Dale - 01/01/00 08:24:32
My Email:demlam@prodigy.net
Loose the pic of Wes . Sandy will be 50 in January and she's a lot cuter. Webmaster:Consider it done click here

Cousin Dave - 11/15/99 01:21:06
My Email:k9beachohio@aol.com
Cousin Gary has offered to pay all expenses at an AGS/AGD Reunion in Tejas. All interested AGS & AGD who would like to charter a party bus to take us to Houston please post your response here. We'll make a couple of stops along the way - probably Memphi to see the King and a casino in Mississippi or Louisiana. How does February or March sound? It's the only time of year that Houston doesn't totally suck!

Gail Novak - 11/12/99 01:05:02
My Email:novak3402@juno.com
Hello Gary, Thanks again for the updates on the AGS/AGD web page. It's soooooo great to hear from Donna. Lets try to reach all of our out-of-towners. This is such a great way to keep in touch. Keep up the good work. With love to this whole goofy family. Happy holidays! Gail

John - 11/09/99 17:44:55
My Email:john.cristiano@amgreetings.com
Hey Gary, Nice job on the pictures. But there is one problem. Dave kept showing up in all of them. What's up with that?

Donna Kimble - 11/08/99 23:41:36
My Email:gkimble1@rochester.rr.com
Hi to all my cousins!!! Click here for a picture of my beautiful daughter Mallory taken at her 2nd birthday. She is a smart little girl who likes to ride Oreo(seen in picture), play lego, build puzzles, and generally run around o tside and play on her playground. We enrolled her in tap and ballet and it is so funny to see her doing her stuff with all the four year olds. As for myself, well,,,,you wouldn't recognize me if I ran into you. Chemo has provided me with a new "do", my hair is VERY dark and curly. I get a kick when people ask me where Mallory got her light coloring, or if she got her curls from me! This note is especially for Larry Fairy (just to rub it in again) but, my husband bought me a Jaguar XK8 for Christmas last year!! I will be sending Gary a picture of George in the Jaguar to post on my web page. A special thanks to the webmaster for all his time in providing me with my own page to brag.

The Webmaster - 10/20/99 21:43:05
My URL:http://home.gs/annie
I'll buy all the booze, if y'all can get here to drink it. Now the word is out!

Dale - 10/20/99 00:18:19
My Email:demlam@prodigy.net
The next Grandsons reunion should be held in Tejas With the Webmaster paying all expenses. All in favor say Aye.

David - 09/29/99 02:06:41
My Email:davidpman@aol.com
The AGS Happy Hour at Harpo's took place on Friday,September 17. There were 5 AGS, 3 AGS babes,1 great-AGS and 1 great-AGD. Not a bad turn-out, but we're looking to do better next time. Please post any suggestions for time and place here! Maybe some a vanced planning increase attendance.

Gar - 09/15/99 01:32:55
My URL:http://home.gs/annie
Y'all come down to Tejas in October for a good old happy hour.

John Cristinao - 09/03/99 19:15:09
Harpo's on September 17, 1999. Dave will bring "candid" photos of the honeymoon! Be there!

John Cristiano - 07/12/99 19:32:45
On July 6, 1999, the latest great-grandson of Annie was born. Victor Joseph Cristiano. He was 8 lbs. 14 ozs. and 21 inches long. Mom and baby are doing great!!! Click for pic

Wes Manelski - 03/30/99 17:32:29
My Email:clesales@fluidraulics.com
Where the hell is the dancing kielbasa? Wes

Loretta - 01/11/99 17:33:07
My Email:lduvall@co.broward.fl.us
I cast my vote for the wedding to be in Cleveland!!!!! Not in the winter, though.

Jerry Novak - 01/09/99 22:45:50
My Email:TNOVAK4832@aol.com
Gar, Finally found the site. Travis got a new Gateway with a ton of RAM and a PentiumII so I can navigate without getting frustrated and banging on the key board. Must say it's a nice site. I'm impressed anyway!! Drop me a line when you have a moment. Be nice to know what your weather is like since we're butt deep in snow.

AGS #7 - 01/05/99 19:34:56
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/flats/1849/ultra.jpg
My Email:anniesfav@one.virtualave.net
John is expecting, again! Click on the URL to your left, or return to the front page and click on the John's Babies Link.

Mr. Gar - 01/02/99 17:35:50
My URL:http://come.to/manelski
My Email:mr.gar@prodigy.net
Dave Manski is to be wed. Engagement was announced at 12:01 A.M. on 1-1-99. This could be the last AGS wedding of the millennium. No wedding date has been set, but it will happen sometime this year.

tug - 12/18/98 21:38:11
My Email:erie1@ix.netcom.co
Larry, you sure are ugly. Tug.

John Cristiano - 12/10/98 12:24:31
My Email:john.cristiano@trw.com
Annie's Grandson's Unite!! Next Friday at Harpo's. That would be Dec 18, 1998. On a completely unrelated topic, we are looking for volunteers to drive Annie's Grandson's home on Dec. 18th. Thanks!

cousin larry - 10/20/98 23:40:18
My Email:novak3402lgdl@freewwweb.com
Cous. Gary I beleave dales birthday is Nov.8 The same as your aunt Dorothy. Plus the page needs more pictures of me. my love always cous, larry

John Cristiano - 10/09/98 11:20:16
My Email:john.cristiano@trw.com
Gary, I think it would be nice to have a small section on Marion. If for nothing else, a little history of the man who lived with Grandma Annie all those years. You know, a little back round information for the great grandkids! Oh yeah, great site! No where is the money you promised me to say that?

10/03/98 01:09:46
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Tracy Hensley - 09/03/98 01:17:03
My Email:gbank7@aol.com
Hi guys. Great site. I am Sandy's daughter. How about putting Annie's great grandchildren on the site too. I'll help in any way I can. Can't wait to see more.

Joe Cristiano - 08/31/98 17:06:25
My Email:j.cristiano@penton.com
Gary...Nice to see you are keeping this site updated. Again, pretty cool and seriously bad singing. A quick note on the birthday page...my wife's name is Kendra, not Kindra. I believe that kindra is an ancient greek word for elephant dung. Anyway, kee up the good work. Joe

len jr - 08/15/98 22:03:58
bodacious site cous.....

AGS #7 - 07/31/98 16:49:57
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/flats/1849/baby.html
My Email:garmaster@oocities.com
In case you missed the link on the opening page of AGS (it's right below the visitor counter, near the bottom of the page), click on the URL listed here to see a picture of John's new baby.

Joe Cristiano - 07/29/98 12:28:19
My Email:jcristiano@penton.com
Gar, you've outdone yourself. This is a great site!! I've heard more bad singing today than I have in a long time. Keep up the good work!!

AGS #7 - 07/28/98 19:11:47
My URL:http://come.to/manelski
My Email:coverdog@yahoo.com
Congratulations to AGS John Cristiano, who just became a father for the first time. Amy Rose was born on July 19, 1998. We hope to have some pictures to put on the AGS home page, for the whole world wide web to see.

Gail - 07/22/98 23:03:08
My Email:novak3402lgdl@freewwweb.com
Gary...your my favorite cousin(now). We talked with Aunt Dort, she's not sure of the order by age of the cousins, but I'll try to find out more for you. I'll also rummage through my thousands of photos and see what I can find. I know I have one of you and me dancing at my wedding. Now that's a keeper!!!! Thanks cuz... I no longer feel left out of the family. After all I've spent 23 (??)years here. Love Gail

Linda - 06/26/98 04:52:27
My URL:http://www.oocities.org/heartland/flats/1828
This is cool a toast to your Grandma Very interesting

Gail Novak - 06/21/98 21:10:46
My Email:novak3402lgdl@freewwweb.com
As usual Gary, how about Grandma Annie's Granddaughters and don't forget the in-laws. after all we put up with you. Truely, Loved the site and can't wait to visit again. love you cuz.

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