Kitty's Galleria

Welcome to my collection of feline pictures.

Here is my collection of the prettiest felines to be seen on the Internet! This is the first of 12 pages of wonderful kitty-cat pictures.

To speed download time, all pictures are presented here as small 'Thumbnail' images. Clicking on an image will bring up a larger version. All images are in jpg format using 16.7 million colors. They will look best if your video driver is using that mode, although 64K color mode will look virtually just as good. They can be viewed using 256 colors or less, but they will not look as nice as with the other modes.

Thank you for visiting! I hope you like what you see!

(Galleria last updated 12/23/99)

Kitty Lea

Kitty Lea

This is me! (25K)



This is one of my housemates. She's a little shy, but maybe I would be too if I had six toes on each paw like she does! Last February she had 6 healthy, cute kittens, which you can see below. (21K)



Here is another shot of Princess. Now you can see her face without her big paws in the way! I guess I shouldn't make fun of her paws, she's really a very sweet kitty and she was a very loving and devoted mama kitty. (29K)

New Kittens

Princess's Kittens

Here are Princess's kittens at three weeks of age. Left to right, top to bottom, they are Smudgie, Pepsi, Simone, Teddy, Cinnamon, and Sasha. All are little girls except Smudgie. (31K)



This a bigger picture of Sasha that was taken at about three weeks. (17K)



Here is another picture of Sasha at four months. She is rapidly growing into a beautiful young lady. (29K)

Three Kittens

Smudgie, Sasha, and Cinnamon

Here as a nice picture of three of Princess's kittens. Smudgie is a permanent resident here. (21K)



This is Smudgie again, at 4 months. He is turning into quite the big, handsome boy! (27K)



This is a former housemate who, sadly, is now with us only in our hearts. He was a good, good kitty! He liked to go outside and pretend to be a big jungle cat! (30K)



Another picture of Tiger. This was one of his favorite activities! (24K)



Here is Andrew. He is an incredibly sweet little boy, but tends to get a bit mischievous at times (an understatement if ever there was one!). (22K)



One more of Andrew. Didn't I tell you he was handsome? (19K)



We finally have a picture of Arthur. He really doesn't like having his picture taken, he's quite shy. He likes to think he's pretty tough, but we can tell that deep down inside he's a real softie. (27K)

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