Crack Haiku

Puff on sweet crack rock
Smells like burning gatoraide
I live on the street -Lox of Rox-

Burned my lips again
Im out of rocks, someone help
Smoked since eighty-four -Lox of Rox-

Sucking dick for rock
Anything for the sweet taste
Crack is the sweetest -Lox of Rox-

Crack rock to my dome
I hope my mom isnt home
I am so ashamed -Lox of Rox-

Crack is whack they said
Sold my IROC for more rock
My mullet is long -Lox of Rox-

Pushing the product
Gotta sell to the kids now
Soon they'll know better -Lox of Rox-

Meth is the new thing
So old skool I still smoke rock
I dont have a job -Lox of Rox-

First smoked crack today.
Some kid rolled it in a joint.
It made my lips numb.

I'm on crack baby.
I love smoking my crack rock.
Hell, it's all I do.

Searching the carpet.
Looking for the smallest crumb,
Maybe I dropped some.

White boy in ghetto,
what's that honky doing here?
That boy's here for crack.

They say that it just
takes one hit of hard cocaine
and you're addicted.

My mother told me :
Don't smoke crack you stupid fuck!
Stick to shooting up.

Why, my mother asked,
Must you persist in smoking
That damn crack cocaine?

Nihilists smoke crack.
It does not matter; who cares?
We'll all die one day.

I'm all cracked out now.
It started with just one hit.
I went downhill fast.

The sweet bliss of crack
Infuses my every pore.
It is wonderful.

The joy of crack rock
is a bliss not known to all
Only to the few.

Some know not the bliss
of the high of crack cocaine.
It's better for them.

Customers of crack
sustain my economy.
They are my life blood.

unsuitable for the kids.
Crack is adult fun.

Little Johnny scored.
He's glad, temporary bliss.
He sure likes his crack.

Susan likes her rock.
Ahh... the sweet bliss of crack rock,
such a good feeling.

Michael smokes that rock.
He loves it more than his mom,
more than all the world.

Crack makes the world right,
providing all sustenance
for the true crack head.

Crack head in the rain
does not care, waiting to score.
Waiting for the man.

Annie was whoring,
trying to get that crack rock.
Anything for that.

Going down on Jon,
Annie thought only of crack.
sucking cock for rock.

Crack : Inspiration!
Starts with subtle forms in mind
Emanates from those.

Amazing, that crack!
To many, it brings great wealth,
but leads some to ruin.

Those addicted souls,
tormented not by the rock,
but by lack of it.

Smoking crack is fun.
That's what all the children say.
Little do they know.

Busted for holding.
Crack - felony in this state.
If you smoke, avoid police.

My God! He shouted!
My hard cocaine supply - gone!
"I must obtain more!">

Eternal struggle!
Should I buy more hard cocaine,
or should I pay bills?

Out on the street now.
Elusive rock, please find me
if I can't find you.

Mom strung out on crack.
Hungry kids do not matter.
Her first love is rock.

Nothing is left now.
Only cold solace of crack.
Even that joy gone.

What's with all these folks
who have crack but will not share
Those selfish bastards!

What's with this crack shit?
Why pay for those little rocks
when you can buy coke.

It's an insane life :
Waking up, looking for crack,
and then smoking it.

You best not smoke crack.
That's what all the D.A.R.E. folks say
Listen to them kid.

Crack is bad they say.
It leads to prostitution :
Selling your body.

Once I had a rock :
a tiny piece of that "hard,"
and then I smoked it.

Insanity dwells
in a yellowish crack rock.
Please don't go there, Mom.

My brother-in-law
is so damned crack addicted
it's all he thinks about.

Torment, despair, pain :
These are the fruits you will reap
in crack addiction.

Why must I smoke crack?
What is it that compels me
to do this substance?

Crack heads of the world,
unite and lobby congress!

I once met this chick,
who, for crack, would suck your dick.
It's all she could do.

Your Momma's on crack.
She neglects hygiene and food,
pursuing more rock.

My sister's a whore.
She does it for hard cocaine.
I find this shameful.

Ouch, my aching knees!
For rock, I've sucked so much dick
I'd like to forget.

Harry and Mary,
Paul and Jerry got on crack
and turned out scary.

LOVLEYJEN the whore,
goes down on all men for more
of that crack cocaine.
Maria smokes crack
She gets a big thrill from it
Makes her like the boys -angela-

Holes poked in the can
Ashes then the rock on top
Goddamn man; goddamn. -George the Crack Bum-

Ghettos of Bama
Nigga Bitches with no teeth
Get my twenty rock -George the Crack Bum-

White niggas with coke
Up in Killen I go smoke
Piece of shit white trash -George the Crack Bum-

Keys of crack cocaine
Not the kind that open doors
But two point two pounds

Two a.m. blue lights.
You have a tail light out son
Hey where are your clothes

In Alabama
Crack Rock is the King of Fun.
Nothing here to do.

Sweet smell on my breath,
Urge to steal mom's stereo:
Diamond in my pipe. -Leah-

Sucking on the pipe
It seems my brain is melting
I wish I had teeth.

"Want some more, honey?"
It's good for your bones and nerves,"
said the nice crack Witch -Leah-

Woke up this morning,
Can't remember who I am:
Amnestic crack fog. -Leah-

Puff on the hubb rock
Lifted for the hot minute
Crash quick, time to score -Mikey Rikerz-

5 bux and a dream
Met some jig on the corner
puffed it, but wasnt enough -Miney Rikerz-

tokin rocks all day
my brain has turned to nothing
dont give a fuck though -Mikey Rikerz-

on the prowl uptown
searchin for elusive rock
white gold in the hood -Mikey Rikerz-

shit would be different
if nancy reagan puffed rock
no more war on drugs -Mikey Rikerz-

email me with questions, comments, or more haiku!

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