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Book Recommendations

Spotlight on: Small Bites edited by Garrett Peck and Keith Gouveia
(a benefit anthology for Charles L. Grant)

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Small Bites by Garrett Peck, Keith Gouveia, Charles L. Grant Garrett Peck and Keith Gouveia, Small Bites

Acclaimed, popular, and influential author and editor Charles L. Grant (the man behind the seminal Shadows and Greystone Bay series) has been diagnosed with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) which, in addition to a long hospital stay, will require him to be on bottled oxygen for the remainder of his days. All this adds up to incredibly outrageous medical bills. There are at least two ways to help: you can donate directly to the Fresh Air Fund, or you can buy a copy of Small Bites.

90% of the profits of Small Bites will go to defray those costs and for your money, you get over 200 flash fiction stories (500 words or less) involving Zombies, Animal Attacks, and Were Creatures from some of the genres greatest talents.

Just a few names listed on the contents page are: Edward Lee, Matthew Costello, Rick Hautala, Scott Nicholson, F. Paul Wilson, Tim Lebbon, Christopher Golden, Hertzan Chimera, Jeff Strand, Simon Clark, James A. Moore, Kealan Patrick Burke, Graham Masterton, Nancy Jackson, and Stephanie Simpson-Woods. Publisher A.P. Fuchs and editors Garrett Peck and Keith Gouveia are also represented. Some authors have more than one story included, so you can see if you really like their work.

There's more than enough short fiction here to satisfy even the most jaded of horror aficionados and every bit of the profits goes to Charles Grant's medical fund. The way you can help the most is by purchasing Small Bites through the banner ad above directly from the publisher, Coscom. I have linked to Amazon for convenience, but they take a portion of each sale and that's just that much less to go to help out Charles.

Consider this a plea to assist in the recuperation of one of the horror genre's great figures. It's doesn't cost much and it will help out a lot. If you don't have a spare $18.95 for the trade paperback, there is an e-book version to download for only $5.95. You'll get it sooner and even more of your money can go toward the fund because there is less to deduct for paper and printing costs. What you get for your money is a really great read, and the invaluable feeling of knowing you're donating to a good cause.

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