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06.15.03 05.27.03
++Added link & bio
++Media & Episodes added
++Just started web site.

E-mail me at: MarrowII@hotmail.com

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"To realize a mistake, to not lie, to love one another, to not kill.. Those are very simple things, but these time won't allow for them. There is no green on this planet, even though we want it, and want it so badly. A place where we can live peaceful days with no wars nor stealing. A sacred place where people can live as people. Yes there, that place is called.. paradise."


This webpage is dedicated to Nick Wolfwood of the Anime/Manga Trigun. I have only seen the anime last month and I fell in love with Nick. As I was looking on the web I found mostly Vash site and decieded to add to the small Wolfwood webpage poputlation. Please feel free to look around the site, and dont forget to sign the guestbook.

This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit here.

I am looking for Fanart, Fictions and people to link to my site. If you can help out please E-mail me at MarrowII@hotmail.com -Shiver