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Contact Me


May 2009 Update! Hello world! :) I obviously have less and less time for crafts as I 'grow up' but this entire 'Crotiques' escapade has showed me what happens when crafts and the tech world merge--! I love it. A little update on me, I graudated with my MBA in December 2008 and currently work for an HR firm. Still single, no children, and still very little time for crochet and knitting. Thanks to those who write and encourage, thank, and ask for help! I get around to responding to most inquires. You guys can look me up on facebook under Abigail Goss or myspace as

January 2007-UPDATE! Since it has been a whole year since I've updated--I felt that I should at least check in. I do read every email that I receive regarding Crotiques. You all are awesome! Thanks for making the patterns so popular...feel free to post links from your groups and websites. I don't care if you make the patterns for charity--however please don't repost the patterns as your own.

Thanks again for all the encouraging emails. I am still in school and should be graduating with my Bachelor's Degree in Public Service Leadership in Dec 2007. I am working full time as a Financial Aid officer. Yes, I do miss crocheting! Until next time....... :)

January 2006:
To all crocheters/knitters: Thanks for your patience in this time when I have not been able to crochet much. I have been busy with school and another business that I have started so I apologize for not posting anything new. However, I have read many emails of fellow crocheters who have enjoyed the posted patterns and are making variations to the simple patterns that I post.

If I can assist you in any way, please use the "Contact Me" form located on the left menu. Like I previously said, I DO read all of the mail and will do my best to respond in a timely manner. Thanks to all who just write and say "Thanks" or how much they enjoy the items



(c) Copyright 2000-2003 by Crotiques. All Graphics, Material, Patterns, and others that are
uploaded to this site's directory.
