Comparison June to July
**Same general areas of notice**
So this is my front view. I swear I am wearing under wear.  Not that I don't think you can see where I've lost the weight (this picture is the hardest to tell) Notice the following areas:

*My arms - not so poofy
*My tummy - not touching my arms and less full
*My tummy - not hanging as far down
*My legs - Not spread apart so much
*My face - not so much of a double chin
52 lbs sure makes a HUGE difference!!

*My back - straighter not as many lumps
*My tummy - not as full, and not hanging down as far
*My Chin - not so doublish anymore
Again, these pictures are a little bit more difficult to see the major differences.  So please note the following:

*My width - not nearly as wide
*My shoulders - not as wide and smoother
*My arms - not so lumpy
*My back rolls - just less
(this month we lost a roll, we had a funeral for it on the 12th)
*My legs - not as far apart
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July 2006
Weight: 238 lbs
July 2006
Weight: 238 lbs
June 2006
Weight: 246 lbs
Had to many pictures to put them all on one page so this is the comparison of June to present (July)  Only a difference of 8 lbs, but you can see some differences.  My arms are getting toner (thank you water aerobics)  You can tell I'm out in the sun shine more, as we have taken up a lot more out door activies. 
June 2006
Weight: 246 lbs
June 2006
Weight: 246 lbs