Special Olympics
Gene has been registered with Special Olympics since April, 2001.  He tried the basketball once, but was just too distracted to participate (although when he did some of the drills, he did very well); skills there, just not very involved in the team aspect.

He tried the swimming a few times and did some very good laps, but there were divers practicing at the same time and again he was very distracted.

We have been thinking about the Athletics side which would not be a team aspect and perhaps for his short run or throw, he would not have a big concentration problem.  I only just received the names of the new coaches this week (2/20/02); I have been calling the office since the beginning of the year(!!!)

The new names are Dawn & Tod Hughes 619 688-0776 -- they practice in Carmel Mountain area on Sat. AMs, which unfortunately is when Gene does his Easter Seals swimming...we'll have to see.