Ancient Digimon
Ancient Digimon are mythical digimon that have existed since the digital worlds beginning. Based on the original Digimon V-pets I came up with this concept of a more ancient group of digimon. These Ancient Digimon are not able to Digivolve beyond the Ultimate level or Armor digivolve, however they have powers far stronger than your everyday digital monster.

Ancient Digimon are like this for one major reason. They first appeared when the Internet was first started and had to survive much harsher conditions to thrive in the original digital world. As a result they are much more powerful than the more modern digimon, but their aren't as many of them around.

The standard stage measure for these digimon is slightly different since they are much stronger than standard digimon. To put it simply, they can take on much higher level digimon and win. I've developed this basic stage ratio for Ancient Digimon to Modern Digimon:

Fresh}Between In-Training and Rookie
In-training}Between Rookie and Champion
Rookie}Between Champion and Ultimate
Champion}Between Ultimate and Mega
Ultimate}Between Mega and Omega

This is the easiest way to put it, although strength varies from Ancient Digimon to Ancient Digimon.