Title: Captured
Characters: Zuko, Toph (kind of Zuko/Toph?)
Genre: Humor
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything.
Summary: Toph and Zuko have been captured. She’s not happy.
Notes: I took some liberties with the storyline (read totally ignored it in favor of ridding self of plot bunny). As far as I know, none of these things happened and probably will not or even have chances of happening.

“This is all your fault.” Toph is leveling a fairly impressive glower at him, and Zuko reluctantly has to agree with her. Though he certainly isn’t going to admit that to her. He scowls back.

“Your face will get stuck like that,” Toph snaps at him. Zuko wonders how she knows – maybe it’s the vibrations she is picking up. Maybe she just knows him so well by now that she has correctly figured out what he has done.

He idly wonders if how he feels about that and decides to not think about it.

“Like you’d notice,” he shoots back, irritated.

The fury of her glare, oddly, lessens slightly at his words and a hint of wry amusement works its way into her expression. Really, Zuko thinks, only she would get less angry at him when he insults her. “Well Princess,” Toph remarks dryly, using her nickname for him that she knows he hates, “At least I didn’t light up half of a forest while trying to lay low.

Zuko’s scowl deepens at the reminder and he mutters, “You’re an earthbender. You couldn’t do it anyway.”

“Oh yeah?” He isn’t really all that surprised to hear the challenging undertone in her voice; Zuko supposes that he should have expected it. “I bet I could.”

“Hm.” He grunts skeptically.

“I could!” she insists, “And I wouldn’t even need to firebend. That’s what matches are for!”

Damn, she had a point. Zuko berates himself for forgetting that there are other ways to produce fire; it’s been too long since he’s ever needed to do something as menial as lighting a match when he wants fire. Toph accurately guesses the reason for his sudden silence. “Ha!” she crows, “See? I’m right! You’re wrong! Silly Princess.”

“Annoying brat.” It comes out automatically, and Zuko wonders what it is about talking with Toph that inevitably leads to childish exchanges of insults.




“Helpless baby.” Chagrined, Zuko winces as soon as the words come out of his mouth.

Toph seems stunned for a second, her jaw working furiously before she snarls, “I’m not helpless!” He remains silent when he can’t think of anything to say and watches as she curls up in the corner of the prison cell, looking murderous.

The silence is unnerving and Zuko feels the need to say something. “I’m sorry,” he tells her sincerely.

“Go to hell.” Toph grumbles, but seems to ease up a bit.

The corner of his mouth quirks up in an almost smile at her words (though if she calls him on it, he’ll deny it vehemently) and he settles comfortably against the rough wall of the cell. He considers Toph thoughtfully, earning himself an odd look.

“What?” she demands.

Zuko shrugs. “Just thinking that you’re not so bad to be stuck with.”

Toph blinks.

“Whatever you say,” she says doubtfully.

He quickly suppresses a grin and it remains quiet until the next guard comes around and is stupid enough to be tricked into letting them out – Your crazy sister’s gonna be pissed, Toph informs him gleefully as they escape and Zuko can’t help but agree silently as he disarms another guard.

Azula was going to throw a bitch fit.

...Damn, Toph was rubbing off on him.