Hgeocities.com/crystalangel0105//tiobam7.htmgeocities.com/crystalangel0105_/tiobam7.htm.delayedxWJk !OKtext/html8L !b.HWed, 15 Aug 2007 00:04:35 GMTMozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *WJ ! Harry Potter - Title: The Inconveniences of Being a Malfoy (7) Title: The Inconveniences of Being a Malfoy
Summary: Scorpius' life has never gone well, but lately it's really done a turn for the worse. He blames Albus.
Disclaimer: I dont own Harry Potter.


Scorpius heart sank painfully when he saw his father standing in front of the fire, the green shadows of the fire flickering over his pale face as he placed the bin of Floo Powder back on the mantel. Dad? he asked, hesitantly. His father turned around, looking guilty.

Im sorry, Scorpius, Draco said, chagrined, glancing over at the green flames of the fire now roaring in the fireplace, I know that I said we would be able to spend this afternoon together, but it seems that somethings come up at work

Oh, Scorpius said, feeling bitter disappointment burn behind his eyes. This would have been the first time in the three weeks since returning from Hogwarts that he would have been able to do something with his father. He ignored the feeling stubbornly, clenching his teeth. I am not going to cry, he told himself, I am not a child anymore. Fine, he said, and turned away, determined to keep his father from seeing how he really felt.

Okay, his father repeated unsurely, and out of the corner of his eye, Scorpius saw his father glance over at him doubtfully, before stepping fully into the flames and disappearing.

There was a dark chuckle from the doorway, and Scorpius glanced over to see Lucius standing there, his lips curving up nastily, his eyes fixed on the fireplace.

Well, well, Lucius mused, eyes gleaming dangerously, Look how low the Malfoy family has fallen

Sir? Scorpius questioned cautiously. Lucius liked it when they called him that. Lucius seemed to be in one of his moods again but there was something different, and Scorpius couldnt put his finger on it, but he thought there was something wrong with the way he was smiling, something about the glint in his grandfathers eyes that made Scorpius back away suspiciously.

Lucius eyes slid smoothly towards him, and was it a trick of the light?- the blue irises werent blue, but seemed almost red. Oh, Lucius breathed, What is this? Come here, boy.

Scorpius stood frozen, his eyes wide as the horrible smile on his grandfathers face stretched further, almost into a grimace. The cruel and wild look that shone in Lucius eyes seemed out of place on the face that had not altered from its perpetual disapproving, frowning expression in all the years that Scorpius could remember.

It seems, Lucius said lowly, cocking his head and his eyes widening the only warning Scorpius got before an invisible hand yanked him forward, and he was nose to nose with Lucius, a hand gripping him tightly by the front of his shirt, that Lucius was unable to teach his progeny the proper behavior.

Scorpius bit his lip to keep from speaking, trying not to look as confused and frightened as he felt. Up close, Lucius eyes really did gleam an unnatural red, and they examined him intently.

Youre not Lucius disgusting little coward, Lucius spat at him, Fool, he must of let that useless child breed- The eyes flicked up and down in examination again, and the frightening smile spread across his face again. My, do you look like him, Lucius whispered, Lucius genes were always strong

Scorpius felt his knees shake slightly and knew if Lucius hadnt been holding him so tightly by the shirt, he probably would have collapsed straight away, and felt a surge of shame flow through him. Weak, he thought furiously, I am a not a coward, I should start acting like it. Yet, the red-not-blue eyes of Lucius met his again, and he forgot any thought of struggling.

Yes, Lucius said quietly, and he seemed to be speaking to himself, Yes, he repeated, a malicious glint in his eyes now, I will punish Lucius for his failures, for his son, by killing his heir with his own hand. Scorpius eyes widened in alarm, but he didnt have enough time to do anything before Lucius other hand raised to his throat and tightened painfully around it.


Lucius roared in anger and frustration as a red beam connected painfully with his spine and he let go of Scorpius, who gasped for breath, looking behind the body of his grandfather for his savior. White-faced and shaking, Narcissa Malfoy stood behind her husband, clutching Scorpius wand.

Oh, Narcissa, Lucius said, dangerously, You will be punished for this-

He reached into his sleeve, but before he could do much more, Scorpius grandmother had raised the wand again and cried out, Stupefy! This time, it hit Lucius directly in the chest, and he was thrown backwards, head hitting the wall with a sickening crack.

Narcissa hurried to Scorpius, who rubbed his throat absently, watching Lucius prone form. Oh, she whispered nervously, checking over Scorpius hastily, I hope youre alright, oh, my- She suddenly hurried away from him, apparently satisfied with Scorpius condition, and threw some Floo Powder in, and shouted, Draco! Draco, we need you back here! Dra- She stumbled back as his father suddenly emerged from the fire.

What? Draco asked blankly, and gaped at seeing his unconscious father. Whats going on? he demanded, even as he ran over to his son and gathered Scorpius close to his body.

Narcissa clutched at his arm tightly. Listen to me, Draco, she told him, voice wavering, You need to take Scorpius away, somewhere safe. We cant have him here, theres something wrong with Lucius your father Ive suspected for some time now but- she broke off, looking down at Lucius, who was beginning to stir. Draco looked over as well, his brow furrowing in confusion.

Pride, Narcissa muttered to herself, Fool that I was, all I could think about was our family pride. I used the last of our influence to keep Lucius from Azkaban, but maybe he would have been better there. She knelt down next to Lucius, throwing his arm around her shoulder.

Draco, Lucius said groggily, peering up at them, then his mouth dropped open and he looked alarmed and when his eyes widened, Scorpius could see that Lucius eyes had gone back to their original blue color. Scorpius, Lucius started, and then stopped, paling in horror, I didnt mean to-

Take him! Narcissa snapped at Draco, and then Apparated away with her husband, leaving Scorpius and his father behind.

Where? Draco demanded of the empty air, and sighed in frustration before rubbing his eyes roughly. I need to go back to work, he muttered to himself, I cant go around looking for someone to take him in-

Scorpius bit his lip, and then tugged on his fathers sleeve to get his attention. Father, he said slowly, I think I know a place that I can go.

Draco blinked at him.