Grounding Visualisation


This is a way of extending your Light body down into the Earth to keep your self solidly rooted there. Your grounding cord allows you to bleed off extra energy, and also allows you to dispose of any negative energy you have picked up from an external source.

Many people like to think of their grounding cords as their "roots". Like a root system, your grounding cord stabilizes you, so that whatever happens in the world around you, you aren't carried away. You remain stable in the calm, cool energy of the Earth.

Being grounded helps you stay solidly in your body. When you are strongly connected with the body of Mother Earth, you are more aware of the sensations and energy flows in your own body and all the details of the world around you. This helps you respond to the world in a more immediate and appropriate way. You stay in the present moment, letting the past be and trusting that the future will be even better. This skill is vital for healthy living.

It is very important to ground yourself regularly through out the day, this is a skill which easy to learn and becomes second nature within time. You will want to use this skill consistently in your day to day life. When you start to feel stress, worry, anger, hopelessness, or any other emotion that erodes your peace, get your body grounded and breathe in the healing Earth energy. Breathe out whatever may be excessive in your emotional response to the situation. You will start to feel calm and in control. Then you will most likely be gifted with a greater degree of clarity about your situation.

When healing energies are offered to you in the name of the light, those healing energies will be directed to you by a higher council, when you are doing your grounding. It is at this time when you are relaxed, at peace, and you have a connection with all that is around you, that the exchange of energies takes place.

Relax and Enjoy

Sit in a chair with your feet flat against the floor. Let your spine be straight and comfortable. If you want to lean against the back of the chair, do so. Take a moment to complete any small readjustments to make yourself perfectly comfortable, and close your eyes.

Now gently let your attention come to your breathing. No need to change your breathing in any way, just become aware of it. Become aware of the air entering your nose and travelling down into your chest. Be aware of the slight pause before you breathe out. Be aware of the muscles that work as you draw in the air, and how they relax as you let the air out. Easily and effortlessly. Gradually your breathing becomes deeper and more even as you relax into it. Breathe in relaxation, and let any concerns that you don't need seep away with your out-breath. In, relaxing; and out, releasing. Enjoy this rhythm for a few moments.

When you have breathed out all your tension and your concerns, visualize breathing in blue light and see that light full your lungs.

Now bring your awareness to your feet, feel where your feet are touching the floor. Feel where the weight is lighter and where it is heavier. And bring your awareness to the point where your feet are firmest on the ground. Feel that connection to the ground, and let your breathing focus on that spot, drawing your breath deep to that point of connection, and feeling as if the out breath seeps out through that spot.

At this point see a Golden Ball of energy deep down in the Earth below your feet; just hold this image for a short while. Now retrain your focus to the sole of your feet and visualize strong white roots growing from the soles of your feet, down towards the Golden Ball of energy. See those roots entwining into and becoming one with that ball of energy.

Breathing deep, through this connection right down into the earth into the ball of of earth energy. Letting the connection grow further and deeper. Feel the nourishing coolness of the soil. Sense the roots of the trees around your root, and greet them if you wish....

You are now connected to Mother Earth, through your grounding cord, feel your connection with Her heart and enjoy it.

Now be aware that energy can travel through this connection. Ask the Mother to send you her love, in the form of Golden light. Draw up that golden energy through your roots with each in breath, to the soles of your feet.

Now continue to draw that golden energy up your legs, up the trunk of your body and up to your heart. hold this golden energy here in your heart.

Now bring your awareness to the crown of your head. visulize a ball of silver energy about a foot above you head, and draw a single strand of this silver energy down through the crown (top of the head) this is the guiding light of the universe and extends beyond the moon and the stars. Draw the silver energy down past the Brow. down past the Throat. And down to the Heart where it blends with the golden energies.

Know that this love and light is always there for you whenever you care to ask for it. As abundant and free flowing as the air we breath, so too is the love of God. You can't take more than your share because the supply is infinite. Let it fill your whole being.

Some quick ways to ground include:

Take off your shoes and socks and stand on bare earth or grass. Feel the earth under your feet and feel your energy body sinking into the earth. Breathe right down into the earth so that it begins to feel like an extension of your body.

Have a real good belly laugh.

Sing the deepest note you can...feel it vibrate deep in your belly and pelvis. Imagine the sound extending deep into the earth...and see if you can sing a little deeper....

Work with stones: obsidian, black tourmaline, or tiger-eye, but any rock can help you reconnect with the earth.

Once you know how to ground, you can often do so in 2-3 deep breaths. Just feel that downward flow of energy as you breathe out, like a special type of gravity is pulling your energy body into deep connection with Mother Earth. On the inbreath, feel Her energy coming up to you. Then make the connection with the source energies through the Crown.

Whenever you consciously ground and clear your own energy field, you will come back to the present moment, conscious of your own truth rather than another's, and able to face the world around you with greater clarity.