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Phase 3 -  Design


In Phase 3, design, the system analyst designs a new or alternative information system:

  1. The design is developed to meet the information needs of the system analysis (phase 2)
  2. The design phase consists of three tasks:



Designing Alternative Systems

  1. More than one design can be developed to meet information needs.
  2. Each alternative system would be evaluated for: 
    1. Economic Feasibility
      Will the costs of the new system be justified by the benefits it promises?
    2. Technical Feasibility
      Are reliable hardware, software, and training available to make the system work?
    3. Operational Feasibility
      Can the system actually be made to operate in the organization, or will people resist it?



Selecting the Best Systems

  1. When choosing the best design, managers must ask:
    1. Will the system fit in with the organization's overall information system?
    2. Will the system be flexible enough so it can be modified in the future?
    3. Can it be made secure against unauthorized use?
    4. Are the benefits worth the costs?



Writing the Systems Design Report

  1. The report is prepared for higher management.
  2. The report would describe:
    1. The costs versus the benefits.
    2. The effect of alternative designs on the organization.
    3. Recommendation for one of the alternatives.
  3. The report usually concludes with a recommendation by the system analyst for one of the alternatives.
  4. After reading the report of the design phase, management decides which system they want the system analyst to develop in phase 4.


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