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Shawki Dakduk
(323) 953-4253

     Tentative Syllabus 
            CSIT 101 /  3141

csit101@yahoo.com Introduction to Computers

Class Resources Site: http://www.oocities.org/csit101

Office Hours


Text Books
Computing Essentials 2000-2001
by Timothy & Linda O'Leary
Microsoft Windows 98
by Timothy & Linda O'Leary
Microsoft Office 2000
by Timothy & Linda O'Leary

Supplies:  five 3-1/2'' high density disks.


  1. Gain basic understanding of computing concepts.
  2. Build skills necessary to increase productivity and effectiveness in using computer systems.
  3. Learn about the Internet and the Web.
  4. Learn how to use Internet services, including email and the Web.
  5. Learn word processing concepts and how to apply these concepts in Microsoft Word.
  6. Learn electronic spreadsheet concepts and how to apply these concepts in Microsoft Excel.
  7. Learn database management concepts and how to apply these concepts in Microsoft Access.
  8. Learn multimedia presentation concepts and how to apply these concepts in Microsoft PowerPoint.


 Lecture Plan
Day Topic
 8/22 Your Future and Computer Competency (Chapter 1 of the Computing Essentials book)
Windows 98 Basic Skills (Chapter 1 of the Windows 98 book)
 8/24 Assignment 1 -  Using the Keyboard and the Mouse
 8/29 Application Software (Chapter 2 of the Computing Essentials book)
Organizing your work (Chapter 2 of the Windows 98 book)
 8/31 Assignment 2 -  Working with Files and Folders
 9/5 System Software (Chapter 3 of the Computing Essentials book)
Introduction to the Internet and Electronic Mail
 9/7 Assignment 3 -  Creating and using an e-mail account
 9/12 The System Unit (Chapter 4 of the Computing Essentials book)
Creating and Editing a Document (Chapter 1 of the Word section of the Office 2000 book)
 9/14 Assignment 4 -  Creating and editing a Document (Hands-On Exercises 1 & 4, pp. WD1-61, WD1-64)
 9/19 Input / Output and Secondary Storage (Chapters 5 & 6 of the Computing Essentials book)
Revising and Refining a Document (Chapter 2 of the Word section of the Office 2000 book)
 9/21 Assignment 5 -  Revising and Refining a Document (Hands-On Exercises 1,2 & 5, pp. WD2-55, WD2-58)
 9/26 Communications and Connectivity (Chapter 7 of the Computing Essentials book)
Creating Reports and Tables (Chapter 3 of the Word section of the Office 2000 book)
 9/28 Assignment 6 -  Creating Reports and Tables (Hands-On Exercises 3,4 & 5,  pp. WD3-65 thru WD3-69)
 10/3 Test 1 -  Chapters 1 thru 5 of the Computing Essentials Textbook
Creating and Editing a Worksheet (Chapter 1 of the Excel section of the Office 2000 book)
 10/5 Assignment 7 -  Creating and Editing a Worksheet (Hands-On Exercises 2, 3 & 4, pp. EX1-73 thru EX1-75)
 10/10 The Internet and the Web (Chapter 8 of the Computing Essentials book)
Charting Worksheet Data (Chapter 2 of the Excel section of the Office 2000 book)
 10/12 Assignment 8 - Charting Worksheet Data (Hands-On Exercises 1,2 & 4  pp. EX2-55 thru EX2-58)
 10/17 Multimedia, Web Authoring, and More (Chapter 9 of the Computing Essentials book)
Managing and Analyzing a Workbook (Chapter 3 of the Excel section of the Office 2000 book)
 10/19 Assignment 9 -  Managing & Analyzing Workbook (Hands-On Exercises 1,2 & 3 pp. EX3-53 thru EX3-55)
 10/24 Privacy, Security, Ergonomics, and the Environment (Chapter 10 of the Computing Essentials book)
Creating a Presentation (Chapter 1 of the PowerPoint section of the Office 2000 book)
 10/26 Assignment 10 -  Creating a Presentation (Hands-On Exercises 1 & 3 pp. PP1-57, PP1-59)
 10/31 Databases (Chapter 11 of the Computing Essentials book)
Modifying and Refining a Presentation (Chapter 2 of the PowerPoint section of the Office 2000 book)
 11/2 Assignment 11 -  Modifying and Refining a Presentation (Hands-On Exercise 1,2,3 pp. PP2-59 thru PP2-63)
 11/7 Test 2 -  Chapters 6 thru 10 of the Computing Essentials Textbook
Creating a Database (Chapter 1 of the Access section of the Office 2000 book)
 11/9 Assignment 12 -  Creating a Database (Hands-On Exercises 1 & 2 pp. AC1-55 thru AC1-56)
 11/14 Information Systems (Chapter 12 of the Computing Essentials book)
Modifying a Table and Creating a Form (Chapter 2 of the Access section of the Office 2000 book)
 11/16 Assignment 13 -  Modifying a Table and Creating a Form (Hands-On Exercises 1,4,5 pp. AC2-41, AC2-46)
 11/21 Systems Analysis and Design (Chapter 13 of the Computing Essentials book)
Analyzing Tables and Creating Reports (Chapter 3 of the Access section of the Office 2000 book)
 11/23 Holiday -  No Classes
 11/28 Programming and Languages (Chapter 14 of the Computing Essentials book)
Working Together: Copying and Linking Between Word, Excel, and PowerPoint  
 11/30 Assignment 14 - Analyzing Tables and Creating Reports (Hands-On Exercises 1 & 4 pp. AC3-52, AC3-55)
 12/5 Your Future and Information Technology  (Chapter 15 of the Computing Essentials book)
 12/7 Optional Assignment
 12/12 All Labs Due
 12/14 Final (from 4:00 to 6:00 pm) -  Chapters 11 thru 15 of the Computing Essentials Textbook


Grading Policy
Labs 30%
Tests 40%
Final 25%
Participation 5%
Tests will be given on their scheduled dates.  There will be no makeup exams.  Assignments will be given on Thursdays and will be due two weeks from the assigned date.  A penalty of 5% per each late day will be deducted from late assignments.  Assignment information can be obtained by navigating to http://www.oocities.org/csit101/assignments.html and then clicking on the desired assignment link.  Attendance records will be kept and any student with four unexcused absences will be excluded from the class.