Centre for Social Policy Studies
University of Ghana, Legon


life effort

The pace and patterns of ageing in developing countries are without precedent. Neither the demographic processes nor the social context have parallel in the experience of the developed countries. The health needs of older persons and associated cost of health provision, pose a very real challenge of societies whose economic resources are severely constrained (World Bank, 1994).

Within the developed world, older persons have a greater range of resources available to them with which to build their social environment for health and well-being; within the developing world, older persons have a restricted range of economic and service provisions available to them. In this relationship between ageing and resources, the well-being of older persons in developing countries become strikingly problematic.

Although there is a general consensus that the low income world that is representative in Africa does not have resources for catering for either the ageing of society or large increases in the numbers of older persons through public sector provision and although policy focus has largely been on the family as the key agency in meeting the ageing crisis, this simple opposition between the public sector and Informal sector provision conceals a wealth of policy options which need to be explored.

The tendency to view old simple as recipients of care and services is certainly no model for Africa. Africa's resource situation means that she must obtain assistance from outside agencies in delivering social services. Whilst the contributions of donor community are essential, it is important that such contributions be disciplined into a cohesive welfare policy which is appropriate for Africa. This site explores policy options that can be taken to better the health status of older persons in Africa.

On line papers and presentations:

Centre for Social Policy Studies,
Faculty of Social Studies,
University of Ghana, PO Box 72, Legon, Ghana
Tel: +233 21 502217 Fax: +233 21 500949
e-mail: aptnana@hotmail.com
web site: http://www.oocities.org/csps_ghana