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Need more practice with essay skills?  Try here

Common Problems with essays http://www.mantex.co.uk/ou/a319/a319-13.htm

Structure your essay http://daphne.palomar.edu/handbook/structure.htm

Essay writing http://www.oocities.org/SoHo/Atrium/1437/howto.html


Learning concepts http://www.educationau.edu.au/archives/cp/05.htm

Constructivism resources from lecture

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Technology resources




Guidelines for the use of computers in learning


Computers in learning policy statement




JCU and technology                                                                                Go to Top


Practical site

A site I developed for an assignment. Some links have been deleted, but might be of interest.

Tutorial plan

Concepts - Sometimes we understand things by what they are not, as much as by what they are.

eg. What is a circle? What is a circle not?

Concepts - How is an essay like conceptual change theory?

                   How would you go about answering this?

Concepts - Describing teaching/ learning theories is a basic skill.  To show deeper understanding , we need to be able to evaluate them, their good and bad points, and how they are best used.

To explore this this we will be doing role plays, to understand that concepts can be viewed from different perspectives.

You can design the role plays however you like to explore the issues. You can question and involve the audience.  After each role play we will be practising metacognition about what this means for "good teaching."  (This should not hurt too much). 

Role Play  2 people One teacher likes testing, the other teacher believes assessment should be integrated into learning.  Discuss the issues.  See Reading 5.2. http://www.garlikov.com/philosophy/testmora.htm http://www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/rpl_esys/assess.htm

Role Play 2 people  From lecture.  2 teachers discussing pros and cons of constructivist teaching.  Perhaps one  teacher who likes teacher directed approach which is quieter etc and gets results on tests and one who likes noise, groups and exploring learning. http://thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/month2/index_sub6.html http://it.gse.gmu.edu/portfolio/kknodt/theorypapers/paper704.htm

Role Play  2 people You are 2 teachers planning whether to have textbooks for the following year.  Look at reading 6.4.  Consider the different ways the teachers question their students.  One teacher wants textbooks, the other doesn't. Try and show the different approaches to teaching. Would conceptual change teachers or constructivist teachers use textbooks?

Role Play 2 people Reading 6.5.  Design a role play that shows how conceptual change theory might be applied to the teaching situation with Miles. http://www.astc.org/resource/educator/teachcon.htm

Role Play 2 people One of you is Mile's parent talking with a teacher about Miles and the buoyancy episode.  Discuss language and Mile's learning experience. Reading 6.5.

Role Play 3 people Deep V Surface V Strategic learning http://www.dmu.ac.uk/~jamesa/learning/deepsurf.htm

Role Play 2 people For and against learning styles. http://members.aol.com/susans29/lsa.html

Role Play 2 people A parent argues that schools are not meeting needs and parents need to make up for school shortfalls.  A teacher argues that schools meet students' needs and how they do so..


Role Play 2 people Direct V Indirect instruction. http://library.thinkquest.org/C005704/content_teaching_it_styles.php3

Role Play 2 people  Limitations of conceptual change theory.  One of you is a student teacher and the other is the supervising teacher. The student teacher is having problems conveying the concept of heat.    http://www.astc.org/resource/educator/teachcon.htm     

For extra students, use 4 instead of 2 students, or use the same concept, different roles.                                                

Reflection- What are the qualities of good teachers you recall?                             Go to Top

                How is explaining related to conceptual change theory?

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