Welcome to the web site of Cupids Football Club. We have two teams in the Southend Borough Football Combination league, Essex, England. This site contains details about the second team, known as the OLD GITS!

This name derives from the age of the players in the original team, most of whom could have played Veterans football (37 years young and over). Now in our sixth season we are a mixture of old and younger players. Time does not stand still for the real Old Gits!

The philosophy of the team is to enjoy the social side as much as the game.

This site contains news and details relating to the Old Gits. We would really like to hear from you, we may even generate a worldwide-web-fan-base! You can contact us via IanWhitehead@Hotmail.com (see the link to the left).

We play at
Cupids Country Club, Love Lane, Great Wakering, Essex, England. Hence the name of our club.

For information, our first team is 'normal' (not Old Gits) and play in Division 2 of the Southend Borough Football Combination. The Old Gits play in Division 4.

From this HOME page you can see our list of players and our current statistics. Simply follow the links on the left.

Officials of Cupids Football Club are:
Chairperson -      Tina Smith
Vice-Chairman -  Alan Lundy
Secretary -          Richard Groves
Treasurer -          Ian Whitehead
Entertainment -    Kerry Hanning
Managers - 1sts - Tina Smith      
                 2nds- Robert Chadwick

THE OLD GITS - Now defunct website
Contact Cupids Old Gits:
Meet the PLAYERS
Boring STATS (Old Gits)
The LEAGUE (Old Gits)
Score Grid (Old Gits)
Season 2003 / 2004 Web Pages
Season 2004 / 2005 Web Pages
Season 2005 / 2006 Web Pages
Link to Cupids Country Club Site

Link to Wakering Football Club Site
Dublin Tour 2006
Latest News:


The OLD GITS web-site has now been redesigned at a new site:


Please ensure that you visit the new site hereon.
Thanks to everyone for supporting
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Last Site Update: 10th February 2007
BACK ROW: Tony Wells, Paul Wines, Terry Lancaster, Chad Chadwick, ToeKnee Leeming, James O'Connell, Badger Whitehead, Bambi Harvey, Matty Hanning. FRONT ROW: Yellow Card White, Shakey Hand Man Brooks, Chav Groves, Marc Smith, PeeWee Whitehead, Alan Lundy
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