Bank note printing and cash management system firms worldwide show their expertise by printing examples or samples, usually called Test or Promotional Notes.

The most common types are:

·         Test notes made for marketing purposes.

·         Test notes produced for large, international gatherings of currency collectors, dealers, bank note issuing authorities, and ATM manufacturers. Examples would include: International Bank Note Society annual meetings and CeBIT, Centrum der Büro- und Informationstechnik; German for "Centre of Office and Information Technology", the world's largest computer trade show.

·         Test notes made for trail runs of future use.

·         Test ATM's and other devices such as currency counters.

·         Test notes made for banking and cash handling firms to practice with new issue of notes.

5th EDITION RELEASED SPRING 2009. The Catalog of Test Notes, 5th edition has the following statistics:

  • NOW WITH VALUATIONS in uncirculated condition for all notes.
  • NOW WITH TWO SHEETS OF COLOR IMAGES - one sheet printers' test notes, one sheet ATM test notes.
  • 255 ATM, Financial Services, & Printer Firms documented with test notes produced (149 total in 1st Edition)
  • 83 printer firms
  • 172 ATM firms
  • 2,130 Unique test notes attributed (1112 in 1st Edition), with 672 subvarieties, such as date, logo, address,
  • Example Image of 90+% of all Test Note Sets listed.
  • 940 Images (over 2 1/2 times 1st Edition)
  • Here's the cover page of the 5th Edition.
    The Catalog of Test Notes

    To Buy Catalog

  • Send cash, check, or money order for $30 + shipping (see rates below), payable to Roland Rollins at:
    Roland Rollins
    P.O. Box 15034
    Oklahoma City OK 73155-5034

    OR PayPal

  • U.S. - $30 + $5 Shipping
  • Canada - $30 + $7 Shipping
  • International - $30 + $10 Shipping

    Other Testnote Links
  • Here's the Currency Den web page of Testnotes (Web’s Largest!) TESTNOTE WEBPAGE
  • Here's the Yahoo Testnote Group link TESTNOTES GROUP