Dangerous Deception - One

Hours later or perhaps it was years or eons later, Lotor awoke and he was back in Hagar's lab. The last he had remembered was being in the roebeast arena after defeating the beast and charging at his father. The old hag was perched upon a bench as she eyed the disfigured prince. To Lotor's surprise he found that he could move his head - and his mouth as well. The first thing he did was angrily yell at Hagar.

"Bitch!" Lotor spat. "I could have killed him except for your meddling!"

Hagar nonchalantly brushed off a speck of dust off her drab cowl as she gazed steadily at Lotor.

"You're lucky I meddled, young fool!" The witch's venom was apparent in her jaded eyes. "Else you'd be dead by your father's hand! I'm surprised you survived the robeast!"

"Better to be dead than to see my father defile my true love.." Lotor suddenly felt the deepest and darkest of depressions come over him.

"True love.." The witch got off her perch and walked over to where Lotor was bound. "You still love her even after all this, eh? Even after knowing that even now your father is - "

"Shut up! You wouldn't know of it, witch.." Lotor muttered darkly.

Suddenly Lotor's head was jerked up, Hagar's taloned hands cutting into his neck.

"Don't tell ME what I know, boy!" Hagar spat angrily. "T'was I who loved your hellion of a father! T'was I who sacrificed everything for him and for WHAT! I lost my looks and I lost my dignity because I loved him - still love him!" This seemed to anger her further.

Lotor's eyes widened. He had heard rumors, but to hear it from Hagar's lips was another thing entirely.

"And yet.." Hagar continued, her grip on Lotor's neck loosening. "I am beginning to hate him more than love him.."

A small bit of hope leaped in Lotor's heart before he could stop it, and Hagar sensed it in his eyes.

"Think I'll help you and that twit of a princess?" Hagar suddenly chuckled at Lotor's dark look.

"Oh don't say it.." Hagar let go of Lotor's neck and leaned her face in close to Lotor's. He tried not to recoil at her closeness.

"Tell me, boy.." Hagar paused. "If I gave you what you wanted, what would you do?"

"You?" Lotor smiled bitterly. "You've always sided with my father in the end. This is probably another trick."

"Oh no, my dear prince. No trick at all..in fact the only one who WILL be tricked is your father."

Lotor raised a brow.

"You're interested - I can tell." Hagar said coyly. "As I said, I can give you what you want - Allura, rule of the galaxy in your father's place, your old handsome body back.."

"And what is the price, old witch?" Lotor finally managed to say.

"All I ask is your father's life." Hagar's face set into a hard grim line.

"Really?" Lotor just knew that this had to be a trick!

"Really." Hagar said flatly. "But you must do this exactly as I have planned for this to work and to give your father the ultimate revenge."

"I can think of many things.." Lotor said lowly.

The witch cackled lowly. "But I suppose you never thought of siring the next heir to Doom?"

Stunned, Lotor could only stare at the old witch.


Allura sat listlessly in a gilt chair that was in her chambers, looking out the drab window that looked out upon a drab landscape.

Taking her own life had been a neverending tempation to Allura, but for several reasons, she could not. For one, there was still Coran to consider and for another, her ingrained belief in the sanctity of life held fast and in her heart she still thought that somehow, some way there would be a way to defeat Zarkon once and for all.
She just didn't know how. Zarkon made sure she was watched closely at all times and when she wasn't watched, he made sure that she was with him. Perversely, he had her attendants (slaves) dress her in the finest of clothes, dripping with jewels and made sure that the captives that he had enslaved saw her this way. Allura could feel the glares of hatred from them, and even though she knew the truth, they did not and it sorrowed her.

Zarkon, too was impatient, for he wanted her to be pregnant quickly. He had Hagar forecast when her most likely fertile period was, and it was those times that Allura dreaded the most. She no longer fought but only tried to distant herself from him, which didn't always work. Despite Zarkon's efforts, Allura had not become pregnant, which she was very grateful for. Perhaps he'd grow so impatient that he'd - no, she didn't want to die, not really. Not while there was some glimmer of hope. Surely not everyone had fallen under Zarkon. There had to be pockets of resistance somewhere. And since there had been no word of Lance, Pidge and Hunk, there was still hope for the other lions - if they still lived. Keith was still out of it, and the Black Lion had been sent to Doom via a transport carrier. As far as she knew, the Doomian scientists were still pouring over it, but had no results - at least according to Zarkon.

"Credit for your thoughts, Princess? Or should I say, Your Highness?" Allura's thoughts were startled by Hagar's voice. She turned and lifted up her chin to face the withered witch.

"What do you want, Hagar?" Allura said imperiously.

"My, he IS rubbing off on you, isn't he?" Hagar walked around Allura slowly as she balled her fists in anger. The old witch cackled.

"You know, he's not very happy that you're not pregnant with his heir."

"So?" Allura snapped. "If you think I want to have his baby, you're - "

"Quiet!" Hagar hissed. "This isn't Arus, little princess. The walls have ears here, but I can remedy that." She flicked her wrist and although Allura didn't notice anything different, the old witch seemed to.

"Now, no one can hear us at the moment. To everyone else, it looks as though you're sleeping."

Allura glared at the old witch distrustfully, to which she laughed.

"Believe me or not, chit. It makes no difference to me! If it had been up to me, I'd just help you into the void of death, but I have other plans."

"I won't be your pawn!" Allura spat.

"Pawn? We're ALL pawns!" Hagar shrugged. "You, me, Zarkon and Lotor, we are all pawns in the great game of the cosmos."

Allura put her hand over her forehead and sighed. "If you don't have anything to say, then leave me, Hagar."

"Oh but I have something of GREAT interest to say, little princess."

"Then say it and begone!" She raised her head and snapped at the old witch.

"Revenge." Hagar smiled gruesomely. "Would you like revenge upon that pompous old fool?"

"What?" Allura said breathlessly. Hagar had always been at Zarkon's side!

"You heard me." Hagar said. "Your freedom and perhaps the freedom of your people if it works."

"I - don't know if I should believe you." Allura said.

"Do you have a choice?" Hagar asked.

"What - what does it involve?"

"That you become pregnant with the next Doom heir." Hagar replied, noting Allura's disgusted face.

"That's exactly what Zarkon wants."

"I said the next Doom heir, girl, but I didn't SAY the heir had to be Zarkon's now did I?"

"I don't understand." Allura felt like Hagar was playing games with her. The witch cackled evily.

"You will soon enough once I have explained all. Is it a bargain?" Hagar asked.

"What do you want in return?" Allura had misgivings. After all this was Hagar.

"Revenge on the one who ruined my very life." Hagar said bitterly.

"Zarkon." Allura said softly.

"Oh yes. He ruined me and if I had stayed with Alfor, I would have never ended up this way, but then who knows?" The witch shrugged.

"What? You and my - " Allura was cut off by the witch.

"I was once as fair and lovely as you, girl! Yes, your father and I once courted one another, but our families warred against one another and we were thrown apart, never to see each other again. T'was then that another suitor came and he was Zarkon."

Allura tried to digest this. It was hard to believe that Hagar had once been young and beautiful, but her father courting her!

"I fought between loving him and hating him for years.." Hagar seemed to be talking to herself now. "Even after I lost my looks I still loved him, wishing only to be by his side, seeking out his power. And now that he has what he wants, he can banish my power with a single word - a single word - all because I trusted him once."

"Hagar, I - " Allura found herself reaching out with her hand.

"I don't NEED your pity!" Hagar spat. "All I want now is revenge upon Zarkon, and the sweetest revenge before he dies is knowing that his great and grand heir belongs not to him but to his son!"

"W - what?" Allura's eyes widened.

"Yeeeesss.." Hagar cast a sideways look at the startled Allura. "Lotor. Now do you agree? Don't worry, I can restore him - it's always been in my power to."

"I - don't - know.." Allura felt the old fear rise in her again.

"Stupid girl! I'm giving you a chance to be free of Zarkon forever! Lotor loves you and you can twist that to your advantage more than you ever could with Zarkon! He loves nothing!" She said angrily. "

"But Lotor is - I - just.." Allura stammered.

"He's a man - more than his father, who is the very devil himself." Hagar said flatly. "Now, give me your answer, girl."

Allura thought for a moment and she could have sworn she heard the voice of her father deep within her mind, nudging her onward.

"Yes." Allura said steadily. "It's a deal."

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