Meeting people on the internet is much easier than meeting people in real life, because you can not only avoid the hassle of face-face contact, but you can also surpass traditional geographical boundaries. Just log onto any chat room, forum, dating site etc., and see for yourself the popularity of this form of communication.

Now for most of us, majority of the people we encounter online are forgotten as soon as we turn off the computer. But there are some people whom we meet online, that we want to get to know better. We can't forget them that easily, nor do we want too, and so we exchange emails or add them to our messenger lists just so we can maintain contact with them.

Overtime, we notice ourselves growing attached to one particular online contact more so than the others. We develop a strong bond or connection with that person. The strictly online exchanges are now complemented by the occasional phone call or (air mail) letter.  We regularly seek the person out when we want to complain about our stressful day at work, when we feel lonely, to confide things we would never tell anyone in-person or  just to talk about nothing in particular----the reasons are endless! This person becomes inextricably intertwined in our lives.

But alas there is a problem! This person, although seeming 'real' to us, does not yet have any 'real' presence in our lives. He or she exists only as words on a computer screen or paper, as an avatar  or still picture  in a display image or as a voice on the other end of the phone. This person at the moment, symbolizes the fantasy world we retreat to, when we want to escape reality.

Some of us are perfectly happy with keeping things stagnant at this fantasy level, but others grow restless with the fantasy. The fantasy is just not good enough! We are the people who want the fantasy to become reality...


                                                        This was the motivation behind CyberConnections