American Line Dancing Association
of South Africa
Welcome to the wonderful world of American Line Dancing, or if you are
Australian, Bootscootin'.  Whatever you may like to call it, it is still great fun.

If you have already started Line Dancing, but are not yet a member of the
association, why not join now? Membership is Free! You will find an application
form under the feedback section.

If you are just browsing from curiosity, try the section containing the national
directory of teachers where you will find the venue nearest you.  Then come
along and try for yourself. You will be surprised at how much enjoyment you will derive from participation.

If you are a teacher whose details are not yet listed in our national directory,
why not rectify that now by sending us your details also using the feedback

Whoever you are, please take the time to view the various sections. You are
sure to find something of interest. All suggestions for improving this site's
contents will be welcome. You guessed it, use the feedback section for this as well.

Our Mission
Firstly the promotion of Line Dancing. This we do by means of demonstrations,
articles in local community newspapers, this website, and word of mouth.

A demonstration held during the supper break of an inter-provincial day/night cricket match at Newlands

Secondly to encourage the setting and maintaining standards, both in the teaching
of dances and the music best suited to the dance and in the steps themselves.
The benefits being that wherever you attend a dance or class, the steps to your
favourite dances will be the same. The holding of regional and national dance
competitions, then also becomes a possibility. The co-operation of all teachers
under the association's auspices will be required for this.

Then comes the promotion of goodwill and communication between people
(a fancy way of saying 'making new friends'), the provision of healthy exercise
for participants and properly most important of all, having fun.

Association Profile

Although the association is currently based in Cape Town, the idea is that it be
divided into regions. Each of which is to have its own regional committee.
Once we have multiple regions, the national committee can be formed, which must
be made up of at least one member from each region.

If you live outside Cape Town, why don't you start forming yours now?
A copy of the constitution is included

Contact Information

Contact can be made by completing the feedback section.
If however you would rather write or telephone use the following.
NB. if you live outside of South Africa replace the Cape Town regional code
(021) with the international code (2721).

Function:                   Telephone             Cell            Electronic Mail
General Information:  (021) 705-2676                         
Chairperson:               (021) 712-7468                         
Public Relations:         (021) 712-8365
Teacher Training:       (021)  788-9145      083-658-6098
Postal address
c/o R BOOM, 6 Woodlands Road, Bergvliet, 7945, R.S.A.
Electronic mail
Teacher Training: