"Our Gang" Parade - 1936 and 1937

The top seven pictures were taken on June 6, 1936. The two at the bottom are from 1937. They were sent by Alan Seaburg, whose wife, the late Jean (Newhall) Seaburg, grew up in Hopedale and was one of the kids in the parade. She grew up on Lake Street, but I think the pictures were taken on Dutcher Street. Her mother had grown up at 108 Dutcher Street. The house had been built by her grandfather. I asked Alan if the parade was a neighborhood or a town event and if he knew the names of the kids in the pictures. Here's his response:

I am sure it was a Dutcher Street neighborhood event - and I suspect that since several of the pictures have that same house in the background - that either Mr. Newhall or his wife Helen took the photographs from the driveway of their home at 108.  I of course think of it as the Newhall house - but it was built by his wife's father about I believe the turn of the century - and so it is probably more correct to think of it as the Sadler house.  In the beginning it was the only house up that far on the street.

She had two very close girlfriends at this period
-Mary Allarie - who I can't be sure I met - but also Virginia "Crate" Creighton.  When we went out to see her father with our daughters - Jean usually went up Dutcher street for a long chat with Crate.  As I remember it, she lived on the opposite side of Dutcher street from 108- maybe three or four houses up.

After this page had been on for a couple of days, I received the following messages:

I 'm sure the first picture on the top is my mother Connie Sloan. I am thinking I wish she was here to see this. I know she lived on Dutcher street, and I remember her telling me that Virginia Creighton was one of her friends. She would have been 13 in 1936. I have a lot of pictures of her and I know that many people look alike, but am positive that this is her. Donna Pothier


Just looked at the pictures of the "Our Gang" parade.  Even though I was
not around then (heck, my Dad was only 10 years old at that time)  I'm
pretty sure that is Dutcher St.  I'm sure that's my grandparents home at
111 Dutcher St in the background of pictures 3,4,5 and 7.Charlie Dennett.

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