Experience  summary October 14, 1999 - players

Session begins with the party engaged in battle with a group of 8 dread wolves.  Four of the wolves are in melee with the party  and the remaining four are attempting to flank the party to cut off their retreat.   Blows are exchanged and Magnus drops a wolf with two deft sword strokes.  Cedric fumbles and accidentally hits Kieren for 8 hp of damage.  Liana casts lightning to zap 3 of the wolves that are attempting to flank the party.  Gawain casts soften earth and slows down the charging wolves.  William attempts to turn the engaged wolves but has no effect on them.  Tarl outlines the charging wolves with faerie fire.  Lio shoots two arrows into one of the charging wolves and drops it. Kieren killss a wolf that is engaging him.   Liana uses her wand of earth and stone to turn mud to stone and immobilize the charging wolves.  Tarl notices that the fallen wolves appear to be regenerating.  The party gets out oil and burns the fallen and immobilized wolves.

Tarl heals Cedric with orison.  William heals the rest of the party to max hit points with 6 orisons.

The party continues south into the valley.   After 30 minutes travel they come to an area that opens out.  Ahead in the mist they can see a large keep (3 towers) that is over 50' high.  The keep is 200 yards away so it is difficult to make out any details on the towers or their denizens.  Brook volunteers to reconnoiter.  He casts polymorph self  and assumes the form of a hawk.  He wings toward the keep.

While Brook is away, William notices that Cedric looks pale and feverish.  He queries Cedric who admits that he is feeling under the weather.  William suspects that Cedric may have picked up some disease from the wounds he sustained while battling the dread wolves.  William casts cure disease on Cedric and he immediately begins to improve.  His fever breaks and his normal color returns.

Brook returns to the party and tells them that there are two human guards on watch on the roof of keep.  Midway between the keep and the tower there is a swampy region that is inhabited by a number of undead.  Brook also noticed some stone doors in the hillside which may be some type of  crypt.  The doors are less than 100 yards from the keep.


There is a lengthy discussion amongst the party about how to proceed.  The party decides to send Brook and Liothien to the roof of the tower to dispatch the two guards.  Brook casts polymorph self to change his form to a raven.  Liothien hides inside his warp marble , which Brook carries in his claws.  Before Brook departs, Kieren casts a silence spell on a stone and gives it to Brook to assist him in quieting the guards on the roof of the keep.

While this is  transpiring Kieren and then Liana attempt to learn the Mist Magic spell from one of Estelle’s spell books of pictish magic.  Kieren is unsuccessful, but Liana does learn the spell and then casts it  to produce a large mobile cloud of fog to hide the party's approach to the keep.  Kieren casts a sound bubble  around the party which effectively silences them. The party decides to circle around the keep on its northern side away from the swamp and its undead denizens.

Brook flies to the roof of the tower and drops the warp marble near one of the guards.  The guards sees Brook in raven form and the pretty bauble (marble) that he dropped.  As the guard approaches to pick up the marble Brook flies over near the other guard in preparation for an attack.

Liothien releases himself from the warp marble and appears on the roof near the first guard.  Before the guard can react Lio traps him in the warp marble.  The other guard is surprised by this and tries to cry out an alarm.  Unfortunately for him, Brook’s silenced stone prevents anyone from hearing him.  Brook reverts back to his Sidhe form and kills the guard with two well placed sword blows.

Brook and Lio secure the roof of the keep. Brook moves the silenced stone near the only door leading into the keep so if any guards appear they wont be heard if they yell for help.  Meanwhile, Lio ties off two ropes to the battlements and drops them over the side of the wall for his companions to use in their ascent to the roof.

The fog-shrouded, silenced party arrives along the west wall of the keep without incident.  They find the ropes that Lio has lowered and begin ascending to the roof.  Magnus and Rhyawdd lead the way.  While Magnus is busy climbing, Kieren casts a ladder spell so that the dwarves and non-climbers in the group have an easier time making it to the roof.  Magnus is somewhat puzzled as to how these party members are ascending but he has more immediate concerns.  The entire party makes it to the roof of the keep without incident.  A quick check of the roof shows that there is one door leading into the southwest tower of the keep and three chimneys which all are being used.  The chimneys are big enough that Tarl or one of the elves could probably descend them if they wanted to.

Rhyawdd checks to door for traps and locks and finds none.  He opens the door and discovers a large room with two guards seated at a table.  They appear to be snacking on bread and ale.  Tarl throws the silenced stone into the room while Rhyawdd and Brook attack the  guards from surprise.  The guards are quickly and quietly dispatched.  Kieren and Magnus remove the bodies from the room and pile them up along the outside wall crenellations.  A quick check of their personal belongings yields 102 gp and 6 small gem stones.  Tarl and Rhyawdd check the guard room in the southwest tower.  They  find two other entrances to the room:  a trapdoor in the floor at the SW end of the room and another trapdoor in the center of the ceiling.  There is an iron ladder leading up to  this door.  Rhyawdd climbs up to investigate the trapdoor and finds that  it has no obvious lock or traps.  However, the door resists all of his attempts to open it.  The trapdoor in the ceiling is iron-bound wood  so Tarl tries to spring the door by casting warp wood on it.  This causes the door to groan and bulge slightly, but it does not open.  Tarl checks the fireplace in the guard chamber to see if perhaps it leads to the room above.  Unfortunately it only ties in with one of the 3 chimneys out on the roof of the keep.

Liana volunteers to explore the area beyond the trapdoor in the ceiling.  She casts wraithform  on herself and squeezes through a crack in the door  to the room above.  The room is dark and she has no light so she returns to her companions.  Tarl casts a light spell  on Liana and she returns to the room above.

Liana returns to her companions and tells them she has found a circular room beyond the trapdoor which appears to be a summoning chamber. There is a pentagram traced on the floor in powdered metal.  There are also candle holders at points of the pentagram.  The room contains a bookshelf that holds two tomes. There is a small coffer which contains candles, incense, lamp oil and other supplies presumably used for summoning rituals.  There are also three torch holders on the wall.  The ceiling of this room is open to the arched roof trusses which support the roof of the tower.

Rhyawdd decides to check  the trapdoor in the floor for traps and locks and finds none.  He opens the door and finds that there is an unoccupied hallway below.  The hallway is lit with a torch and there are two doors visible.    A ladder below the trapdoor leads to the floor of the hallway.

Rhyawdd descends the ladder and listens for any sounds of activity.  There are none so he examines the nearest door. It has no locks or traps so he opens it and checks out the chamber beyond.  The chamber is roughly semi-circular  with a single shuttered window.  The chamber appears to be a ladies sitting room as there  is a  recessed window seat, a couch and a quilt stand with half-completed quilt on it .  The room appears to have been recently used, although it is empty at the moment.  Rhyawdd exits the room and gives Tarl the OK signal and motions for him to descend the ladder.  While Tarl does this, Rhyawdd proceeds down the hall to see if there are any guards around.  Everything is quiet and there a no guards. Rhyawdd motions for Tarl to check the other door in the hall while he keeps watch.  Brook follows Tarl down the ladder and stands watch next to the ladder.

Tarl checks the other door for locks and traps and  finds none.  He cautiously opens the door and looks inside.  The semi-circular room is unlit and has no windows.  There appear to be a number of boxes or crates scattered around the room.  Before Tarl can proceed he hears someone in the room speak, and he is then engulfed in a sphere of swirling  shadow whose intense chill causes 10 hp damage and disorients him.  From within the room a shrill voice shouts out “Intruders, intruders, where are the guards.” Tarl tries to regain his senses and utter a word of Command.  Just as he  begins to utter the word, 3 magic missiles slam into him causing another 10 hp of damage.  Again the shrill voice calls out for the guards.

Kieren, who is standing at the trap door, leaps to the floor below and advances to Tarl to check on him.  Brook advances to the door and casts a produce fire spell in the center of the unlit room.  Flames burst forth in the middle of  the room for a moment and then vanish momentarily only to reappear around Brook before they dissipate.  Brook appears disoriented but he does yell out:  “There is a naga in the room!”

Rhyawdd, who has been watching the hall hears some activity.  He yells for Cedric and David to advance to cover his flanks.  Rhyawdd advances to the corner of the hall and sees a robed individual with a battle axe emerge from a nearby door.  Opposite Rhyawdd, another door opens revealing a lightly armored warrior carrying a bastard sword.  Rhyawdd engages this warrior as Cedric and David run up to cover his flank and engage the robed warrior with the battle axe.  Blows are exchanged  amongst the combatants, and both guards are wounded while none of the party is injured.

Tarl takes the continual light lantern from his belt, opens it, and tosses it into the room with the naga.  Brook and then Kieren enter the room with swords drawn to look for the monster.  They see a clutter of boxes and crates but no sign of the naga.  Meanwhile all of the party members except for Nicollete and Gawain descend the  ladder to a hallway.

Treasure:  102 gp, 6 gemstones

 Liana Ashwood - Fighter/M-U
Total EPs  1983 EP
Spell point total:    15 / 22
Hit point total:       33 / 33

Kieren Urquhart – Ranger
Total EPs    933 EP
Spell point total:       7 / 12
Hit point total:     40 / 40

Tarl Tallows – Cleric/Th
Total EPs  1083 EP
Spell point total:  14 / 25
Hit point total:   18 / 38

Rhyawdd MacPherson – Rogue
Total EPs      1148 EP
Hit  point total: 66/66

Brook – Warrior Sidhe
Total EPs  1163 EP
Spell point total:       7 / 13
Hit point total:       55/ 55

Liothien Snowhawk – Fighter
Total EP’s    598 EP
Hit point total:   65 / 65

Cedric – Fighter
Total EP’s   433 EP
Hit Point total:  29/29

Nicollete – Thief
Total EP’s   433 EP
Hit Point total:  12/12