Experience  summary April 13, 2000 – Players


Session begins on evening of October 29.  The party is camped along the shore of Loch Mullardoch near the tree-line.  Liothien and Liana have left the party and made camp about 100 yards to the north in the woods.  Two  waves of magical energy roll across the encampment.

The dwarves sense trouble and take cover behind the tree that Baldric felled.  A volley arrows from the north lands within the encampment injuring many of the party members.  Joe Kerr casts a wall of fog to the north of the camp where the arrows are coming from .  A second volley of arrows rains down upon the causing additional injuries.

 Rhyawdd and Cedric begin acting strangely: attacking party members, standing dazed etc.  Mem casts a command on Rhyawdd telling him to sleep, which he does.  Rutlett instructs Homer to bind Rhyawdd's hands and legs so that he poses no threat to anyone.

Rutlett and Mem leave the camp and attempt to circle around the bowmen.

A third volley of arrows from the east injures several of the remaining party members and drops Homer to unconsciousness.  Cedric attacks Rolf  but misses.  Rolf breaks morale and flees to the west of camp along the Loch.

Kieren casts detect magic to scan for any magical emanations from the parties attackers.  He detects nothing.  Kieren quaffs a potion of Clairaudience and uses his enhanced hearing to locate the attackers.  He hears nothing

Liothien and Liana head south toward the camp when they hear the party in battle.  The approach cautiously, but are still surprised by a lone figure that appears  not 10 yards away in the trees.  The figure winks out of sight and Lio and Liana charge attempting to hit their now invisible foe.  Liana unleashes a color spray  but to no apparent effect.

Rutlett and Mem see the flash from Liana's spell and move toward her and Lio.  They join up and the dwarves explain what has happened at the camp.  While they are talking a volley of arrows from the southwest rains down upon them injuring everyone in the group.  The trees and plants around the group begin grabbing them trying to hold them fast.  Liothien, Liana, and Rutlett are able to escape but Mem is entangled.  Rutlett flees to the south out of sight.

Liothien circles around to the south west to stalk his attackers.  Liana stays behind to try and free Mem from his entanglement.  While she is doing this she shrugs off several waves of magic energy.  During her attempts to rescue Mem, Liana becomes entangled.  Liana begins changing form into a rabbit.  Unfortunately, she does not survive the transformation and dies horribly.  Mem also changes into a rabbit.

Liothien returns to Mem and Liana to find out what the screams are about.  He deduces what has happened to his companions and decides to set an ambush for the enemy spellcaster.  Liothien places his warp marble in a suitable location to watch Liana's body and Mem (rabbit form).  He then enters the warp marble.  A short while later an elf (sidhe?) appears and Lio springs his ambush and successfully surprises and captures the creature.  He then gathers up Liana's body and Mem (rabbit form) and heads back to camp to check on the others.

Meanwhile,  Joe Kerr flees west from the camp to get out of range of any arrows.  He then casts dispel magic on the camp.  His spell is successful and Rhyawdd and Cedric return to normal.  The rain also ends.  Kieren returns to the camp and uses the shard of healing to heal Cedrics's wounds.

Joe Kerr returns to camp to aid his fellow party members.  There is little light because the campfires are nearly out from the rainfall.  Joe pours a flask of oil on to one of fires which creates a roaring flame.  The reassembled party notes the fallen Homer and Kieren uses a  heal from the shard to  revive him from near-death.

A wave of magical energy rolls over the camp and Rhyawdd and Cedric begin acting strangely again.  Joe and Homer take cover in the tent.  Kieren takes cover along the tree-line while Rhyawdd and Cedric stand around.  Another volley of arrows from the north hit the party members remaining in camp.

Homer decides to flee the tent and head east for cover..  Kieren hears a scream coming from Homer’s direction and then all is quiet.  Kieren uses his clairaudience to hear some soft footfalls in the direction of Homer.  He attempts to locate the noise and then centers a Glitterdust spell in the vicinity.

Rutlett crashes into camp from the north and heads for the loch.  As he reaches the loch he flees to the west.

Joe Kerr casts dispel magic on Rhyawdd amd Cedric to remove any enchantments on them.  The dispel attempt has no effect.  Rhyawdd and Cedric exchange blows and manage to seriously injure each other.  Cedric flees east along the Loch.  Rhywadd heads to the tent and attacks Joe Kerr dealing him grievous injury.

Joe casts levitate on himself to escape Rhyawdd.  Once Joe is positioned above Rhyawdd he uses his wand of wonder and zaps him with a lightning bolt.  Rhyawdd flees into the woods to the north west of camp.  Joe continues to levitate to ~150 feet.  A gentle breeze blows him to the northeast.

The fleeing Rutlett changes into a squirrel.  Rolf also changes into a squirrel, but he does not survive the transformation and dies.  Rutlett, the squirrel, decides to head back east to the camp.  He sees a lone sidhe that he recognizes as Reither.

Liothien returns to camp and finds Kieren.  Kieren has cast reduce on himself to be present a smaller target for any missile fire.  Kieren looks for Homer and finds him.  He uses 3 CLW from the Shard to bring Homer back to consciousness.  Liothien, Kieren, and Homer decide to flee to the west.

Joe Kerr returns to camp and finds it empty.  He decides to head west, but before leaving casts a pyrotechnics spells to put out the fire

Liothien, Kieren (reduced size), Home, and Mem(rabbit) are fleeing west along the shore of the loch when someone ahead of them yells "Hold, or I will shoot you where you stand."

Lio responds " Well met.”

Session ends.

Experience point awards and character status:

Liana Ashwood - Fighter/M-U
Status: Dead
Spell point total:      0 / 32
Hit point total:          0 / 38

Kieren Urquhart – Ranger
Total EP’s               700
Spell point total:      0  / 12
Hit point total:         40 / 40
Rhyawdd MacPherson – Rogue
Status: missing to NW of camp
Hit  point total:         36 / 66

Liothien Snowhawk – Fighter
Total EP’s               5000
Hit point total:          68 / 75

Joseph Kerr – Invoker
Total EP’s               1600
Hit Point total:          4 / 27
Spell point total:      13  / 24

Rutlett Trollcrusher – Fighter
Status: Polymorphed in to squirrel
Hit Point total:          46 / 63

Mem Hammerworker - Priest of Loki
Status: Polymorphed in to rabbit
Total EP’s                   50
Spell point total:       11/ 13
Hit point total:          18 / 29

Homer Goodmead – Rogue
Status:  recovering from near death
Hit Point total:  1/10

Rolf Trollsbane - Fighter
Status: missing to W of camp.  Dead
Hit Point total:  0 /30

Edmund Ross - Fighter
Status: missing to the W of  camp

Baldric - Fighter
Status: missing to N of camp

Cedric - Fighter
Status: missing to E of camp
Hit  Point total:  41/46