A'yz & Kiuzhth
Darkling Dawn
Name: A'yz (Acheyze)
Gender: Male
Age: 27 (17 at Impression)
Rank: Clan Born/Wingrider
Family: Mother and Father deceased; nine younger siblings; Bluerider C'ys

Build: Bulky
Skin: Light tan
Hair: Strawberry blond, frizzy, very long
Eyes: Light blue

Personality: Bright and charismatic, he has an easy-going and friendly personality. When in a bad mood, he can be quite surly and rude, but fortunately, these are few and far between. He gets along well with people and does well as a diplomat. He's hardworking and doesn't stray from what he's supposed to be doing; however, he can be quite obsessive about his hair and is a little vain about it.
Past: Born to a large family in a traveling clan, when his parents died, he and some of the older of his younger siblings were left to take care of their family. He and his younger brother Caeys were both searched, and while A'ys bonded purple Kiuzhth, C'ys didn't bond his blue till two years later. He and Kiuzhth are diplomats from the Caer to nearby Lords, and they both enjoy their work greatly. He is saddened to be leaving, but looks forward to exploring a whole new world.

Bond: Purple Kiuzhth
Alabaster/Blackstone Giveaway
Pets: Female Ruddy Zephyr Flit, Evialle