Drash & Sgail
Darkling Dawn
Name: Drash
Gender: Male
Color: Brown (With stars)
Dam: Astral Dew
Sire: Vrashi
Abilities: Vocal Speech, Fire Breath, Psionics, Charm, Light Breath
Personality: Mild and gentle, he's very sweet and innocent. He has a good temper and doesn't get upset easily. He's also extremely devoted to his friends and is very courteous to others. However, he's a little shy and isn't very social.
Bond: Sgail
Name: Sgàil
Species: Lesser Kyneese/Whorling Hybrid
Gender: Male
Color: Blue and Teal-marked Black
Abilities: Telepathy (Color & Emotion-Based Only), Fire Blast Breath Weapon, Verbal Speech, Mystic Illusion, Empathy
Notes: Due to Kynnese heritage, can choose a bond at a later date.
Height: 25'
Lenth: 60'
Personality: Very critical of others, he has a domineering personality and likes to boss others around. He seems to have a bit of a blind spot where his own abilities are concerned, and as quite a bit of an ego. His arrogance tends to be very irritating to others.
Bond: Drash
The EverRealm