Darkling Dawn
Name: Era
Gender: Female
Breed: Whorling/Featherdragon/Old World/Danachian/SCD/Iullerbrillan Mutt
Colour: Black (With red points and white stripes)
Size: Large (22' tall, 47' long)
Abilities: Telepathy, Verbal Speech, Bend Light, X-Ray Vision
Personality: Rash and extremely short-tempered, Era is easily angered and her wrath knows no bounds until she calms down. Not a dragon you want angry at you, but she's intensely loyal to her friends and the best companion one could ask for.
Black, Red, and White Giveaway
Bond: Gold-green-silver Dais Toerii'Taykah
Name: Dais Toerii'Taykah
Gender: Female
Species: Mutt (Whorling/Makanan/Drak/Tavrayn/Pernese/SCD Mutt)
Height to Shoulder: 13'4"
Color: Gold-silver-green
Eye Color: Gold
Special Markings: None
Abilities: Verbal speech, teleportation, shapeshifting, shrink
Personality: Much calmer and more even-tempered than her bond, Dais is the soothing influence that smoothes the ruffled feathers (fur, etc.) that Era leaves behind her. She is very polite and thoughtful and she loves to help out others, however Era has to watch out for her occasionally to make sure she's not being taken advantage of.
Travel Generations clutch #5
Bond: Era