Darkling Dawn
Name: Lajas
Race: Anthro-dragon
Gender: Female
Color: Blue/Grey-Pink
Theme: Gypsy
Abilities: Future-Seeing, Healing, Illusion, Slight-of-Hand
Personality: Lajas is very exciteable and enthusiastic, with a seemingly limitless supply of energy and good cheer. She loves to cheer up others and has a soft spot for children-she can spend hours entertaining them with her tricks. She is very adaptable and likes change; it keeps her on her toes and provides her with challenges.
Pets: Female Rukel, Sidhe
From: Nexus Dragon Exchange (Nikks-July)
Name: Sidhe
Race: Rukel
Gender: Female
Riorhaa x Teylet
Personality: A delicate, ethereal beauty, Sidhe gives off an air of innocence and sweet laughter. That attractive exterior hides a very different mind, however. Like the creatures of her namesake, she is finicky and flighty, beautiful but cruel, curious yet doesn't understand people.
Darkling Dawn