Darkling Dawn
Name: L'royl ty Niaran Alamyr
Gender: Male
Colour: Green
Size: 51'
Parents: N'theran ty Taviel Drassen x T'penia ty Veonas Alamyr
Personality: Generally a rather cheerful and happy dragon, L'royl is also very quiet and introverted. He doesn't particularly like dragons, and thus prefers to spend his time alone, but is nevertheless a rather amicable beast around humans and other non-draconic sentient races. He also has a powerful fear of water, which he combats by freezing it with his ice magic.
Abilities: Vocal Speech, Limited Telepathy, Teleportation, Ice Magic
Mirus (Giveaway)
Name: Ainkar Jariane
Race: Crow-Dragon
Gender: Female
Size: 30' long
Color: Yellow-Purple
Parents: Ara Jariane x Hexy
Abilities: Verbal Speech, Teleportation, Telepathy, Genetic Manipulation
Personality: A very cheerful and uplifting person, Ainkar spreads her love far and wide, and she has a veritable army of friends, as willing to do what she needs as she is willing to help them in return. She is the very faithful sort, optomistic and always having hope for the future. She is never depressed or sad for long.
Bond: L'royl
Cy Dragonstake (2005 Winter Gather Exchange)