Muddy Dawn
Darkling Dawn
Name: Muddy Dawn
ID: 001-02-02-54-0808080205-091911
Description: Orange female (hen) with brown points.
Temperament: Calm but with an aura of power
Best: Stamina, Speed, Strength
Worst: Agility

Trainer: Desikk
Race: Human
Gender: Male:
Age: 43
Description: A tall, strong man approaching middle age, he's been working with dragons for a while and is experienced with their handling. He has slanted light blue eyes that tend to squint, and his dark, frizzy hair is starting to grey. He does get sick a lot though. He is anxious and very eager-to-please, he's a hardworker. He is also tactful and discreet, and he is better at following orders than at giving them.