Darkling Dawn
Search Hatchling
Name: R'ei (Ryuujinyuurei)
Rank: Wingrider
Gender: Male
Age: Looks to be late teens
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Appearance: Tall and slender, R'ei looks mostly human. However, his legs are draconic, and he has dragon wings and a tail, all of which are covered by dark green scales. His ears are also pointed. Everything else about him is human. He has bright green eyes, and his messy black hair reaches the nape of his neck.
Personality: Despite his somewhat threatening appearance, R'ei is actually quite kind, good-natured, and cheerful. He tends to be nervous around people as much as they are nervous around them. Doesn't like to stand out, but considering his oddly draconic appearance, finds it very hard to blend in.
Past: Ryuujinyuurei has no memories from before he arrived at Darkling Dawn. He simply wandered out of the forests one day, with no idea where he came from.
Pets: Female dark blue rukel, Kemei
Darkling Dawn
Dragon: Blue Kiyaelro