Astrophel Nygren
Darkling Dawn
Name: Astrophel Nygren
Race: Phoenix-Shifter
Rank: Bounty Hunter
Gender: Male
Age: 26 (21 at Bonding)

Build: Skinny
Skin: Light tan
Hair: Dark brown, braided, to nape of neck
Eyes: Moss green

Appearance: In human form, Astrophel is skinny and very lightly built, with skin that ranges from pale to lightly tanned. His hair is dark brown, usually braided, and reaches just past the nape of his neck. His eyes are a pale, mossy green.
Other Form: As a phoenix, Astrophel is about the size of a large eagle, but with a more falcon-like body and wings. His plumage is fiery red, and he has a particularly long train of tail-feathers. He shifts into a phoenix every night, with no control over it.
Personality: Good-tempered and patient, Astrophel is used to having lots of time on his hands. He is very determined and persistant, and is willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. He is a quiet and thoughtful individual, and may seem apathetic towards strangers. He is also very adaptable, and would rather learn how to use his phoenix-abilities, rather than try to just get rid of the curse.
Past: Born to a poor family with lots of kids, Astrophel grew up learning how to survive with little outside help. He never learned to work with others and doesn't see much point in teamwork, he's always worked alone. Given his natural fighting talent, he quickly began disposing of nuisances around his home and getting paid for it, after which he set off to travel as a bounty hunter. On one such quest, he was betrayed by a companion and delivered into a mage's castle, who punished him by cursing him to turn into a phoenix-like bird at night.

Pets: Male Cusith rukel, Cumhaige
Cumhaige is a fierce fighter and a fiercer friend. Undyingly loyal to Astrophel, he helps him on his hunts, tracking the prey, be it man or animal, and sometimes assisting his master in bringing it down.
Bond: Black Koteneth
Name: Koteneth
Race: Danachian Dragon
Gender: Male
Colour: Black
Height: 25'
Length: 75'
Dam: Lavender Varifranth
Sire: Silver Tuveth
Personality: Sufficently more outgoing than his bond, Koteneth does most of the talking and bargaining. He is a clever and intelligent dragon, as well as a shrewd haggler. He has a particular love for shiny objects and likes to collect different types of coins.
Mirus (Danachian Giveaway)