Lochar & Spirit
Darkling Dawn
Name: Lochar
Race: Sea-monster Shapeshifter
Gender: Male
Age: 23, 19 at Impression
Appearance: Short but extremely stocky and muscular, he looks not half as imposing as he really is. His skin is an unnatural dark, inky black, and he has very contrasting, large purplish-blue eyes. His hair is blue-black, pony-tailed and long enough to reach his waist. He can shapeshift into a nessie-like sea serpent at will, and in this form, he skin is a dark, mottled blue on top, with a murky, grey-mottled belly.
Personality: Lochar is bad-tempered and rather selfish, he can be quite ruthless when it comes to others, and he and Spirit are always first in his mind. Conversely, he has an optomistic outlook on life, and when it's just him and his bond, he can be quite cheerful and outgoing. The moment he senses someone else is around, though, he clams up.
Bond: White-marked Black Spirit
Name: Spirit
Race: SCD/Mutt dragon
Gender: Female
Age: 4
Color: White-marked Black
Parents: Karaiment x Ghost
Siblings: Half-sibling
Lethe(f), Half-sibling Ness(m) various other full- and half-siblings from Darkling Dawn's clutch 38
Abilities: Telepathy, Teleportation, Vocal Speech, Minor Shamanistic Powers
Personality: Spirit is, like her bond, slightly self-absorbed and careless when it comes to others. She is very often silent, preferring to sit back and watch others instead of drawing attention to herself, and she does not socialize often with others, except for her siblings, Lethe and Ness. Mainly because they won't leave her alone. Nevertheless, she has something of a soft spot for them, but everyone else, beware. She won't hesitate to deal ruthlessly with others if it will benefit her bond or her family.
Bond: Lochar, possibly getting a second
Darkling Dawn