Myrna Sweeting
Darkling Dawn
Name: Myrna Sweeting
Race: Anthropomorphic Teratorn/Hyena Hybrid
Rank: Warrior
Gender: Female
Age: 39 (34 at Bonding)

Build: Thin
Hair: Black, straight, to mid-back
Eyes: Purple-blue
Feathers: Black
Fur: Black-striped grey-brown

Appearance: Very thin and skeletal-like, Myrna strikes an imposing presence. She is covered in a hyena's striped, grey-brown fur, and both her hands and feet are tipped with thick claws. She has oversized furry ears as well, but the huge, pitch-black wings of a teratorn-an enormous condor. She has shiny black hair, very straight, which hands to the middle of her back, and her eyes are a purplish-blue color.
Personality: Egocentric and selfish, there's one thing Myrna loves to do, and that's fight. She is not averse to killing if she needs to, though she will always follow orders to the letter and does only as much as she's told to. She is pretty short-tempered and prone to argueing with anyone on the same or lower station than she, but she will bite her tongue and obey her superiors.
Past: A rare hybrid between different halflings, Myrna grew up in a sheltered village of nothing but her own kind. They only saw the occasional rare group of human traders and lived in peace. That was until the Empire's soldiers invaded and razed the village to the ground. Myrna swore revenge and set out to hunt down the soldiers who killed her family. It only got her thrown into prison for treason, however, but before she could be executed, she was rescued by dragonriders and taken to Danach, where she bonded her blue Kudaewoth.

Pets: Male Cerberus rukel, Fenris
Only Myrna would have considered the three-headed beast a viable companion, and for that, Fenris will follow her to the ends of the earth, since she discovered the odd rukel injured and crippled and helped him get back on his feet. He is loyal only to Myrna and is liable to snap at anyone else who comes near, even Kudaewoth.
Bond: Blue Kudaewoth
Name: Kudaewoth
Race: Danachian Dragon
Gender: Male
Colour: Blue
Height: 15'
Length: 45'
Dam: Lavender Varifranth
Sire: Silver Tuveth
Personality: Kudaewoth is a short-tempered, fiery young male who is fiercely loyal and protective. He is not as malicious as Myrna, however, and when in a good mood, he can be very friendly and outgoing.
Mirus (Danachian Giveaway)